Cubase 12 records sound and plays back vst sound, but does not work it in real time

Hi all

so im having a very weird issue. I’m using a pc with an rme babyface pro fs. When i play with a guitar track with, for example, a neural plug in, the sound that plays back is the default signal. So if im using distortion, reverb etc. Nothing.

When i press record, however, the guitar signal is recorded and once i play it back, the plug in works perfectly.

I’ve never experienced this before and its happening to both cubase 12 and logic . Funny thing is its not happening in cubase 10.

I’m sure i am missing something and that it has to do with the card or the software? because i never had this issue with other cards. Any fellow rme users help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

Could you have set up direct monitoring from your audio interface? Which means you might be listening to the dry signal not passed through Cubase. When you press record and play back the recorded track again, you are now listening to the guitar track in Cubase WITH the effects applied. If you want to listen to the guitar signal with processing, you could try to turn off the direct monitoring from your audio interface, and activate listen mode (click the speaker icon next to the record enable button) on the guitar track in Cubase. If you want to listen to the recorded track again, switch off Listen mode.

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That sounds like it. I have the Babyface pro fs and you are better using TotalMix rather than ticking direct monitoring. Also are you turning down the slider in TotalMix so you don’t hear the unprocessed sound?

Hey guys!

thank you for your responses. i will definitely check it out and let you know if this is what im doing.

Total mix has been a massive riddle for me so im sure its possible im missing something very simple.

I would also check your auto monitoring modes in the Cubase preferences, it sounds like you may have it set to tape machine style which will only allow the processed signal to be heard when you’re recording.

Here’s a brief run through of the modes:

Hopefully that will help you understand the monitoring options in Cubase and what would work best for you. As people have suggested, you’re best to disable direct monitoring on your interface and monitor the processed signals via your DAW.

I do believe this is default for RME?

Independent from your current issue: The best tipp I can give to simplify TotalMix is to put it to DAW mode.
Options → Operational Mode…

This gets rid of all the software playback channels and you cannot route your hardware inputs (also no volume for inputs anymore). The inputs will go straight to your software like Cubase.

DAW mode is not as flexible though. It’s not that hard to learn TotalMix. All you really need to remember is the faders are set for whichever output you choose. So if you select the headphone out and turn up a middle or top fader then it will only turn it up in the headphone out and not the main out. You need the main out selected and then all the middle and top faders work on the main out and not the headphones or any other physical output.

Everybody learns at a different pace and everybody needs a different kind of flexibility.

Hey guys sorry for the late reply! i ended up getting to work and in full mode . So thank you for the help. It was as simple as i thought it would be.Like you guys said, i had to switch off direct monitoring.

Yes i feel like an idiot lol.

Now i have a different issue which is blowing my mind once again. Now when im in cubase and recording, i have sound playing back through the speakers but not the headphones.

However, when i open you tube vlc etc, the headphones work just fine .

I keep running into problem after problem. Any ideas what this could be?

i Also tried this for my new problem with no hearing the tracks in cubase through the headphones. So, im having the issue both in daw mode and free mode

Figuring out the TotalMix routing was worth it to me! If you’re used to signal routing in general, it’s actually pretty logical, but you have to map the words RME use in their documentation, to whatever words you’d use yourself …

I especially like having many Windows output devices, so I can set up one pair for ASIO out, one pair for my music player out, one pair for Zoom audio, and one pair for general computer audio, and then set up mixes for feedback such that I can play or mute my music into the Zoom and so on.
I also have an external Maschine+ which I can use as a sound board in Zoom this way; it uses the second line in from the BabyFace, whereas my desk microphone uses the main input.

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yea thats waaay too advanced for me and beyond my needs . At least at the moment.

But i guess this is how im supposed to figure out how to route the headphones. Im still struggiling to do so.

Im listening to a youtube video and at the same time my cubase is playing one of my tracks with no sound whatsoever. *unless i turn my speakers on.

I cant find anything online on how to fix this. I think im just going to sell the card and get an ssl or back to a focusrite. Its just been to confusing

As I said earlier you have to click on the output which is the bottom row. So click on the one which is your headphones. Then all the other sliders are for that output. Turn up the middle slider which your daw is outputting on. That’s it. Which ever output you click in all the other sliders are then for that output only until you click on a different output. Then the sliders are for that one. It’s not hard and when you do get it, it’s very powerful and you wouldn’t know how you did without it. What country are you in?

Your first step would be to realize that you have 3 different audio systems on your computer that let you route signals: OS, TotalMix, and Cubase. BTW - do you use Mac or Win? You mentioned Logic and VLC…

If you run TotalMix in DAW mode (as I mentioned above) you basically take it out of the equation, leaving your OS and Cubase responsible for the routing.

If in Cubase you want to listen to the same master signal on two different outputs (speakers and headphones) you’d have to route the signal to these two different outputs. In Cubase Pro the Control Room lets you do that easily. In smaller versions you’d probably have to use a Send on a PreMaster group track.

In TotalMix running in Full Mode:
In Cubase open the Audio Connections → Outputs.
In my example I send the Master Out to Analog 5 and 6

In TotalMix the signal will arrive on the Software Playback Channel Analaog 5 and 6

In the next step you’d route the signal to the Hardware Outputs. In my example I have a Speakers output and a Headphones output.
I switch TotalMix to Matrx view (it might look even more complicated but it is actually easier) in the Function menu.

In the lower half of the rows are the Software Playback channels. I am looking for AN 5/6.
The columns represent the hardware outputs and here I am looking for Speakers and Phones 1 (my headphones). NB: I renamed these outputs myself.
Now I change the values of the cells that intersect between AN 5/6 and Speakers; afterwards the same for AN 5/6 and Phones 1.

Now everything that is routed to Analog 5/6 in Cubase will be routed to Speakers and Headphones by TotalMix.

Hey mkok, thank you for the reply.

Yea i’m trying to and it isn’t highlighting.

I’m in Denmark.

hey johnny, thank you for responding.

Im using win with cubase now.

I noticed i only have 4 analog channels to choose from. Also 4 stereo channels. I tried to reset the total mix window to start from the beginning and its extremely confusing. The main channel now is the headphone one.

il send over pictures so you can see what im talking about

Apostole, do you use the control room in Cubase at all?

Ok guys i fixed it. I have no idea what i did but its working now.

I did a total reset of total mix from the beginning when wherever i clicked it finally highlighted the channel i was clicking on and in turn showing me the channels. I didnt however do anything. It just started working.

I dont like the fact it was done this way since i preffer to know how and why, but the good thing is its finally working.

I will keep your posts in mind though so i can figure out step by step how to do this properly

Thank all of you so much for your time . I highly appreciated it !

I don’t want to sound rude but you haven’t understood what I wrote in my message with the screenshots.
I advise to take a couple of hours and only try to comprehend what I wrote. Try to follow the single steps. Try to understand that I have an RME interface, too, but no Babyface and therefore my channel count is different than yours.