Hello! So I have a project I’m working on that for some reason is very slow to open. I used to open this in just a few seconds, but now all of a sudden it “freexes” on “reading project file” and stays at the same % for 5+ minutes before all of a sudden opening. I also notice that when I save the project, it takes a long while to do this too. The spinning circle cursor stays for quite a while before it finishes saving.
Some info:
PC, Windows
Using a few VSTS: Ezdrummer 3, Addictive Keys, Halion Sonic SE
The rest is just audio tracks
Recently went without internet for a few months, but now got my setup hooked up again. Could there be some sort of messed up update situation with something since I was using it offline a while?
Everything else so far seems to act as normal when recording, editing, playback etc. (So far…)
This does sound like a problem, but I just wanted to ask about the project. If you are saving/opening a large project with many instruments it can actually take quite a while to load if you are using a lot of RAM.
Sorry to hear that. Many are having problems with Cubase lately. I am afraid I can’t help you but there are quite a few solutions offered about crashes and errors on the forum that might be of help.