Cubase 12 support for vst2 plug-ins

Forgot i bought a copy lol stop using it when reason and mpc software were rejecting some of my old plugins…

VST2 will load in Cubase Pro 12 using Rosetta.

I am using Cubase Pro 12 using Rosetta on Apple M1. It works fine, I can open all my “old” projects that use VST2 plugins.

Would be great to help Black Rooster audio out then! Sounds like they’re trying to move toward VST3, but are still stuck at VST2.4

I keep Cubase 7.5 on my machine but my work is mostly in C11 now. 7.5 is stable, works great and unbelievably… it will open C11 projects!

:anguished: That’s incredible!!!

I am working on 11, I am happy with it, it is stable …enough…so I think that’s that for me…

Sorry to comment on an older thread… Any chance Air Xpand!2 will see a VST3 version?

That’s probably a question you should be asking Air, not Steinberg…

I posed the question to Matthias Quellman (the Steinberg representative) because he said this above:

"What are your plug-ins that are still VST 2 only?

We have been in contact with a lot of plug-in manufactures and we have been supporting many companies to create VST 3 versions in the last years since VST 3 was introduced."

So its Steinbergs responsibility to go contact every developer to help migrate their products to VST3?
Was Microsoft calling up every printer/audio/whatever manufacturer when Vista came out and needed new drivers for everything?

That’s not how any of this works.