Cubase 12 - upgrade to Pro 13

I upgraded to cubase Pro 13. I used a trial version first. My elisener will not list Pro 13 - I have tried for 6 months to get this program recognized. I can load Pro 13 as though it is fully installed. However nothing works such as instrument track halion and system crashes. I have put in a request to steinberg for support but no advice pertaining to my issue.
Any help with this much appreciated.

The eLicenser will never do that, it is not used anymore. Since Cubase 12 it uses the Steinberg Licensing, so just start the Activation Manager and there you should find your Cubase 13 license.

You should also read this annoucment from Steinberg, that is online for some month now.

Many thanks for that - the program crashing out must be some other cause.