Hello. Just found this bug after updating Cubase to 13.0.50
When I drag the pattern from Groove Agent 5 it was create the new midi track! “Colliding Words” bank - Cymbalizer - Six Eight Cup1 pattern
Yes, that’s correct. I am putting it on the first track. I also create the new project with only one GA5. And the result is the same with this library. For example Simon Philips library works good.
I just tried with GA5 and UJAM Beatmaker plugs, both don’t create new tracks here when dragging their patterns onto their instrument or simple MIDI tracks. Sorry, cannot reproduce.
This library is neither included with GA5, nor with Cubase. So your thread title is completely wrong. Not a bug in Cubase 13.0.50, and not a bug in GA5. If at all, a bug in the library, or as Martin wrote, certain data types in this library. I don’t own Colliding Worlds, so I won’t be able to reproduce.
I suggest you change the thread title and move it to the correct category if possible.