Cubase 13 & 14 can't load Ace Bridge VST3? - SOLVED!

Please, I really need your help here,

I have a big problem with Cubase 13 & 14 in Win 10 when I try to run Ace Studio with VST bridge from Ace Studio called “ace bridge.vst3”.

Neither of my Cubase 13 or 14 versions can detect or load this VST3 plugin, so I can’t see “ace bridge” in Cubase anywhere, either in PluginManager or as a VSTi to load. The plugin “ace bridge.vst3” does not exist in the Cubase blocklist eighter.

I have reinstalled both Cubase 13 & 14 as well as ACE Studio, placed the file “ace bridge.vst3” in the following folders:

  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

  • C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 13\VST3

  • C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 14\VST3

But it doesn’t help.

I have also temporarily moved the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and started Cubase and closed it, and then moved the folder back och started Cubase again, in order to re-scan the VST-folders. It did not help.

I have also re-examined the folder and verified that there are no DLL files in it (ie VST2 plugins).

ACE Studio works perfectly as a stand alone, as does Cubase.

So why can’t I get Cubase to find ACE Bridge.vst3, so I can control Ace Studio from within Cubase?

I will be extremely grateful for your help in solving this…as the problem is giving me gray hairs…and I don’t need any more :slight_smile:

you already did everything that I proposed to someone else who could not get ACE Bridge up and running as a VST3 two weeks ago.
Solution still pending as I checked just now (waiting for a response from ACE Studio I guess). However, I stumbled upon another thread in this forum - Dorico Branch. Actually, a Co-Founder of ACE Studio talked about future plans regarding integration into DAWs. You can find it here

If I were you, I’d adress him directly here in this forum. Either by putting an @ up front his username or by sending him a PM.
Good luck and keep us in the loop, please!

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Thanx for fast reply @Reco29,

As a matter a fact, a read that thread and that is why I already had your tips tested out, unfortunately without any success.

I try to find & contact this Maxine-guy who you refer to from Ace Studio using your tip how to.

I forgot to mention the following important fact in by start-thread:

I have successfully installed Cubase 13 and ACE Studio on another Win-partition on the same computer, since I run Windows multi-boot, and it actually work just fine to run Ace Studio from inside Cubase 13 using the Ace Bridge.

So for some reason Cubase finds the ACE Bridge VST3…right out of the box after I did install ACE Studio, which installed the VST3-file “ace bridge.vst3” in the classical folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.

This same procedure does NOT work in my music multi-boot that I have had since 4 years without any other problems regarding Cubase itself. And even ACE Studio works just fine as a stand alone.

So, what cause the problem that Cubase can NOT find the VST3-file i multi-boot 2 when it can do it in multi-boot 1? The only major difference between those two multo-boots is that my music multi-boot has a lot of other plugins.

So to try this out, I removed all the other VST3-plugins from the classical folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3, and started Cubase…which re-scanned the folder…but did NOT find the single VST3-plugin “ace bridge.vst3” there anyway?

This knowledge make me think that there is no problems at all with the ACE Bridge VST3 file…it is Cubase or another software that interfere and creates the problem…and since I have several hundred VST-plugins this is a job almost impossible to solve alone I guess.

Totally weird & strange behavior…I’am start to cry like a baby soon :frowning:

Working on one windows install but not another is possibly missing runtimes. Install an all in one package to be sure you have everything possible.

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Wow @Grim, you made my day since your tip solved my problem, 2.000 thanx to you since you saved me at least a weeks job, since I now don’t need to re-install my entire windows music boot disk!

All I did was to look up what Visual C++ version I did have, and I had Visual C++ 2015-2022 ver 14.36. I downloaded VC Redist 64.exe from Microsoft and it updated Visual C++ to 2015-2022 ver 14.42…and rebooted windows and Cubase loaded ACE bridge directly.

Hope this helps all other users who might have the same problem, and thanx again @Grim (and to @Reco29 who guided in the first place) :smiley:


Thanks for the feedback,

I am happy to been able to help you solve that issue since I really like ACE Studio and want it to exist for a long time, since I just paid the first yearly fee for a lifetime license.

Please note that I am willing to assist you as a betatester if you need, since I am a former computer programmer from IBM and a musician using DAW’s since 30 years…so I guess I have the right background & understanding for how this kind of software should and could work.