Cubase 13 channel label color

How do I change the “FX” label (or the audio/instument icon) color from dark to white? also the folder icon
Checked the entire User Interface settings but couldn’t find anything related to this label or I maybe I missed it.


Hi. You can’t…

I can’t on mac? because I’m also running Cubase on windows and it’s white there

When the background is dark enough, the icon color flips to white.
If you feel free to choose other colors for instrument and FX channels, you may want to play a bit with
Preferences → User Interface → Track Type Default Colors.
Of course for individual track colors you can also use the coloring tool.


I’ve noticed the recent change as well, definitely not a fan of the black icons! UI stuff keeps changing so fast, I think they were white a few versions ago… Changing the track background to a darker color doesn’t have any effect for me.

I maintain that I would return to some V12 parts. I would like Steinberg to “allow” the user a combination of the 2.

On the last version?

Agreed, I recently updated to Cubase 13.0.30 (@Pablin_Drummer ) and noticed that.
Everything is dark now, I liked these icons as white it looks much better for my eyes.
It’s not a big issue but I’d like them to be white, I finally started working on Cubase 13 after 4 months of bugs so it’s better than nothing :slight_smile:
But would be better to have it on settings and customize it

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cont’d at Feature Request [FR] customize label color