Cubase 13 CPU maxed out compared to Cubase 12

I have just upgraded to Cubase 13 and none of my mixes will play back without the CPU spiking and causing extreme drop outs. The Asio guard meter is all the way up (even it’s not playing). My buffer size is the same as it was with Cubase 12 (which plays back without problems). As it stands I can’t use Cubase 13 on either my M1 Studio Max or my M2 Max Laptop. Any idea why there is this huge performance drop? Or ideas on ways to trouble shoot the problem would be appreciated.

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I was hoping this problem was getting better / not worse.

you can try upping the ASIO guard. some people have luck with creating a new template or using a different template. there is some old issue where like the first track doesn’t have ASIO guard or something silly. deleting & recreating the first output fixes I think.

but I never had luck with any of that & have been waiting for steinberg to fix VST plugins running away with CPU. for me it started after Cubase 11 & the newer Mac OS’s.

the common resolution is to host the plugins in audiogridder or use another daw that has better performance with VSTs.

Have you tried resetting your preferences?
I noticed lately that corrupted prefs cause exactly this behaviour.
I occasionally make backups of my prefs, in case there is anything wrong with them at some point.
Restoring them directly solves the issue.

You could try to copy/paste your prefs from C12 to C13 folder and see if that sovles the issue.

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Thanks for this! Fingers crossed this seems to be working! Replacing the prefs with V12 stopped V13 from launching so I had to force quit. Then I just removed the V13 prefs altogether (from the users/myname/Library/Preferences folder. This seems to have solved the problem. I wish Cubase kept all it’s prefs in one place, however they seem to be spread across different locations. Hence, even when I removed the V13 prefs folder entirely (which does seem to have solved the problem), V13 still remembered all my V12 Studio Setup prefs (which must mean they are in a different location). Thanks again for this advice.


It still seems to be working a day later. I did need to put the ASIO guard up to High which isn’t necessary in Cubase 12.

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