Had a 2nd crash today which didn’t create a crash Log. anyone know why this happens
yesterday I uploaded a crash log thinking it was the last crash , but it turned out to be a crash from log the day before .
Had a 2nd crash today which didn’t create a crash Log. anyone know why this happens
yesterday I uploaded a crash log thinking it was the last crash , but it turned out to be a crash from log the day before .
have you nonetheless identified a way to reproduce the crash?
I’m afraid not, as we have the other crash I was simply clicking from one track to the other this time as I clicked on the track below SWOD
Started, I was hoping C13 was saving, that wasn’t the case and C13 didn’t come back after five .
I had that too, several times. No crash log. I also only clicked on one track. Presumably something woke up from sleep in the background and crashed?
Well, Cubase 13 is a bit unstable, you really have to be careful and save regularly.
If you are on Windows, could you please run Cubase with Microsoft ProcDump? This would make a dump file in case of crash.
Generate a DMP file and share it via Dropbox or similar service, please.
Use Microsoft ProcDump utility to generate a DMP file, please.
Please download ProcDump64 from Microsoft (~650kB) and extract the archive to a local folder on your harddisk.
Run Command Prompt (cmd) as administrator (right click and select “run as administrator”)
Navigate (in the Command Prompt) to the folder with the extracted procdump file.
For example:
cd C:\ Users \ \ Downloads \ Procdump
Note: the dmp file will be written into that folder.
Launch Cubase/Nuendo. You can work as usual. At any time, change to the command prompt and start procdump, to monitor Cubase/Nuendo for unexpected behavior (see next step).
Launch procdump64 via Command Prompt:
Cubase 13:
procdump64 -e -h -t Cubase13
The -h option will write a dmp file in case of an application hang. This might kick in too early sometimes, in case some action takes a little longer. Feel free to skip the “-h” option, if you are only up for fetching crashes.
The option -e will catch exeptions and the option -t terminations of the application.
ZIP and share the DMP file via Dropbox or similar service, please.
Does not work. When I use procdump, it shows a lot of access violation errors because of pace (iLok) and Cubase quits immediately.
Maybe that’s a good hint. Make sure the iLok driver, same as the PACE software is up to date, please.
That was the first thing I did And also updated some iLok plugins… without effect.
In that case, I would collect the errors, get in contact with the iLok/PACE support and send them the errors.
Hi Martin, I’m on Apple, Apple silicon as well , I Don’t remember a crash in C12 . Without a log , sorry, I seem to upload the same log twice yesterday as I thought it was a new one wasn’t expecting Cubase not to generate a log
Okay, I’m gonna check mine later!
I’m trying not to use anything that uses ilok
so I just check and there is a Mac update Oct 28th , so lets hope thats the crash !
Then we discuss your issue in another thread.
If this is the case, link it, please.
No I posted it my mistake yesterday and you removed it as it was already logged .
Which is how I spotted Cubase13 did make a new log
Then link the other thread, please.
this is the Delete thread…
the other crash which had that log if here
There is a Log file in your original post. So obviously it is something different from this thread, right?
Yes in the original post I posted a crash log and I did explain what the crash log was, It got logged
And then had another crash and accidentally posted the same log, because C13 had not created a new log, and I didn’t know which is the thread you closed .
Then again in this thread, I had to crash by clicking on the track and no log, hope that’s clear
Just had another Crash with no crash Log , just hit delete on a VSTi track and got the SWOD , I waited 5 mins but it never went , after force quitting I found no crash log.
The track was a HALion 7.0.20 VSTi track , not sure that helps with no Log
and had updated to latest Ilok before this crash
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