Cubase 13 - I just can't get over how

With the amount of crashing while rendering in place with C12 , i just can’t get over how god damn stable C13 is , not even a grumble , all sorts of different renders, HALion , GA , 3 third party synths , Not a gruuuuuuuuumble

If C13 .0.20 nails the CPU spikes and tames the fonts and … FFFFFader caps, i would go as far to say this is the MF of first Point releases EVER !

Except for some reason when you render multiple instances with multiple midi tracks it is not saving the track names. When you have asio guard turned off for Particular instruments.

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That’s not stability those is it

It doesn’t stably put the name of the tracks on when rendering? lol

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Could you please attach a screenshot before (the tracks, and what is selected) and after (how is it rendered, the track names)?

Thank you

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Here is the Before Render & After Render screen shots.

When you have instrument asio guard on it keeps the names but it also renders 16 audio tracks for each midi channel on the instrument and also crashes. So all and all I will take this way which only renders the midi channels your using as audio tracks but keeps the names off with out crashing. But it would be nice if did all that and kept the names.