Cubase 13 is great, but the look changed for the worse

I hate to do this ~ but, I must say… I recently was installing and opening Pro Tools after not looking at it for a few months and them revamping their UI - and I instantly felt like… wow, this feels so cool, so high tech or something, like really modern, and edgy, but not in the way… metallic faders, and just the way they indicate gain on the fader areas, etc. And how the arrangement window looks with a very Cubase lower region for a midi instrument…

Cubase is really lacking vision of what it is trying to be with it’s UI - at the highest level of the problem, you all have demarcated many of the subsequent issues it seems to me because something by now, at v13, with no many evolutions and amazing things built in that other DAWs simply do not have. I have to plead here to the Cubase Product Management team, I get the effort, but the GUI by now should be so impressive you want to show it off to friends and colleagues, and I don’t mind the flat “MATERIAL” design language (Google) and no shadows or curves, but so many details it feels like someone arbitrarily made some choices and kept doing so and used a lot of time and hours back and forth to refine this UI, but it seems to lack vision of what you were aiming for or to be…

Say what you will and I hate citing these, there is a cohesive style and applied design language that is functional and feels very current w/o just being a Google or Microsoft flat material design approach. Not saying it is better, but it is clear AVID must have a whole UX/design team or one very sharp person doing it all to think through many of the same would be problems being cited here in this post…
