Cubase 13 is great, but the look changed for the worse

I am sure your concern is heard, and as someone with accessibility needs in non-visual domains, I understand something of the frustration these issues are causing. However, I believe that @Markus_Staudt is not arguing against the importance of sorting these issues for the benefit of the entire user community, especially those with visual access needs. Instead, he points out that Steinberg might make a first maintenance update to fix some high-priority bugs before the careful design and implementation work needed to fix the visual issues properly can be brought to fruition. After all, there is more than one developer working on Cubase / Nuendo, and not everyone will be working on user interface issues. The important thing is to get as quickly as possible to the point where relevant staff members can dedicate the time needed to make good decisions about fixing the user interface issues that have arisen. We need to trust Steinberg over this one; what might appear from the outside to be a lack of priority on restoring accessibility by shipping the first maintenance update with no visual changes might actually be the best way to get a properly thought-out fix shipped for everyone’s benefit.

Though it is an imperfect interim solution, anyone with a Cubase or Nuendo 13 license can install and use version 12.0.70. Early public releases of a new major version do not always work out for everyone, and sometimes it is necessary to step back to a previous version temporarily.