Cubase 13 is great, but the look changed for the worse

I agree 100 %, the look is awful…


Truly the design team at Steinberg
They are too late, and now they are crushing the design facade and saying that it is modern !!

Have the spaces been used well? Can you resize each window? Has the program’s appearance become consistent? The menu bar has a different design, the control room has a different design, and the mixer and inspector have a different design. the warning messages and loading window has 95 Win OS Design

It’s distortion, not a design
Are the designers of the Plugins Such as (Vocal Chain , Black Valve ,SuperVision , elc) at Steinberg the same ones who design the Cubase? I think that the designs of the Plugins are what really should be called modern.


Except that they should be resizable by now…


you r right :+1: black valve , vocal chain and other not resizable
but supervision very flexible

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The UI changes are a step backwards imo.

Especially the tiny font they used. Then they squeezed all the UI items down. It is looking more and more like Cubasis than Cubase.

I hope they revert some of these changes or at least give us an option to take a ‘classic’ (C12) look in the preferences.


I’m not a big fan of the font used either. Someone mentioned it earlier, but whatever settings copied over from my previous install made it a bit difficult to see what track is highlighted. There’s a setting to make it easier to differentiate, but I wish the track name would always show the darker background.



100% agree. In complete honesty…I am not a person who ever gets online to voice my complaints. I am generally not that picky. But this update was so atrocious I created an account to voice my opinion.
I have owned, used and updated my cubase every version since 3. I have used cubase for almost 20 years. I am a professional full time recording a mixing engineer. I look at this screen every day…10-16hours a day…6-7 days a week.
I am always excited for a new update and never really wait to just update when a new version come out. I have never really been too bothered or obstructed with any major crippling bugs over the years. I have always thought cubase made steps forward…almost always for the better. I assure you…the new design of 13 is an absolute exception. This new version is utterly unusable. it is not a matter of taste. Like many others, I also use a pretty dark layout. The white text burns your eyes out. After 10 minutes on 13 I had to close cubase and go back to 12. It is not usable for a professional.
I dont understand how this is possible? are there any beta testers?? Who collectively decided this is a leap forward?? Cubase is looking like a really really bad version of studioOne…except StudioOne actually looks good.
there are too many things for me to gripe about…but i cant be bothered to voice them all. there are just too many things still unresolved.
But…why would you overhaul this GUI…yet complete leave the preferences menu in the very old light blue look? I just cant understand the logic. it is like some half-assed patching job. where is the continuity?
to reiterate…I am not the complaining type…but this update is appalling. there are 100 super basic updates and minor changes that could have been done to cubase to enhance the user experience that would have made many users happy…yet you took over a year for this hack-job of an update. It is evident that you need a project leader that has a better understanding of its users needs. This long awaited update is beyond disappointing. I was expecting big things from this update. You need to do better than this.




I’m also not a big fan of the new look when selecting tracks. I have noticed when selecting tracks in the mixer window the name is highlighted with background white and the font turns black, just like in C12. Seems the change is only in the project window?

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I haven’t upgraded yet, but will soon just to stay current. It just gets me that they spend so much time on making changes to the GUI no one asked for when so much functionality is needed.


About the track selection design:

Just tick the option. Sliders by default.

Question: which channels is selected?
Answer: HALion 7.


Just adding my agreement with the gist of this topic. The font and size are hard to look at - where’s the option to ‘personalize’ the font/ size/color etc please? I’m back to 12 for the time being.


I don’t mind the changes as long as they sort out the frigging fader caps !


It’s not acting right for me. Windows 11.

First impression isn’t good, though I’m confident it’s something that can be sorted with drivers or settings (tried grabbing the latest drivers for my Radeon RX6600, but not enough to fix things thus far).

No UI issues with Cubase 11 or 12. No issues with Dorico, Sibelius, or Finale. No issues with the other dozen or so apps I use (for music or otherwise).

I load Cubase 13, and so far it is a MESS.

I can’t read half the pop ups (help hints). They are SOLID WHITE.

At times I get a solid white project window. Hover my mouse over tracks and they turn solid white. Sometimes with a popup or topped window, the mouse manipulates the stuff UNDER the pop up dialogue or window. I.E. In the right zone, click to add a rack instrument, and I can’t navigate my VSTi plugins! Whatever I try to do with my plugin list messes with the stuff ‘behind’ the pop-up list that’s loaded in the rack instead. It’s weird. I.E. Go to select a VSTi instrument in the pop up, and instead it changes something underneath that was already loaded to No Instrument!

The weird thing is that I tap the ‘prt sc’ key to make a screen shot and it redraws so I can’t capture what’s going on this way to show it here! I guess I could take pictures with my phone, but no time right now. It’ll have to wait.

So I’ll give it a rest, reboot, and next session I’ll give it a try with scaling turned off. I still use an array of several old 1920x1080 screens so maybe this is the problem. Still, it’s odd that out of scores of apps on my system, this is the only one that acts like a chicken with no head.


Agree 100%


Rounded corners are so Windows XP.
It’s peculiar you complain about those when in the new version the contrast and readability of all the buttons (White + mid Grey) is far superior than in 12 (Black + mid Grey).

I personally like the new UI modernization it’s not perfect but that’s a step toward a more modern streamlined and most importantly readable UI.

So who’s right me or you? I would say none.


What can I say, a total drag to see these posts and what awaits if i upgrade.
I personally liked the C12 GUI just fine, plus you get used to seeing things in a certain way and it makes it easy to find and locate stuff, second nature. Then for the hell of it, really, they change it for what reason??? Totally agree that this new look will make my eyes sore and that they should not mess with the look unless it really impact functionality. Oh, boy!!! Yep, just like Windows 11, flat and boring and hard to see and navigate and unnecessary. I have yet to read a good reason for those changes. Functionality upgrades and improvements, great, unified components also great but this look??? Disappointed.


Is there a way to go back to the old look?
I find that there is a lot less depth which makes it really hard to focus my eyes on.


It’s not just the change it’s people with Visual problems some of these GUI changes can make it so we can’t use it. They should at least give the option to change font color and brightness.


Some of this could be due to the ‘Known Issues’ here… (scroll down a bit)

Cubase 13 Release Notes | Steinberg


Yes this is entirely subjective. You say you’re right. I say you’re wrong. In the end who is really right or wrong?

But with such differing opinions, it seems Steinberg has really hit on a touchy subject and needs to consider their design choices more in the future.

And I wouldn’t say this is or is not modern, because what is modern? And even if we agree somehow that this is modern, why is that a higher valued aspect to the design? A lot of modern things are rubbish. They aren’t inherently improved just because they’re new.