I don’t understand the need to put bold white text when it’s that small. Makes it hard to read. I usually like bold text, it’s one reason I prefer macOS to Windows, but not when it’s that small.
In general, when a font is smaller, it’s recommended that the contrast not be too low. However, you may be referring to eye strain related issues? Maybe the boldness of the font combined with the contrast makes it feel awkward to read?
With bold type I find that the space between the aspects of each letter is lost, making words less legible. It’s the same affect as when putting a thick border on a raster shape in a graphics program. The smaller the bold text, the harder it becomes to read or discern between letters.
Yeah, the boldness seems to be a problem. I’m starting to think… that they can’t change the font easily? It’s honestly such a surprising quality of their UI. I can’t think of any other major software that uses a font like that.
You’re a hundred percent! Everything becomes pompous and meaningless, just adding to the confusion. The philosophy before Cubase sX and 5 was OK, “be as simple as possible, be as practical as possible”, stop changing for the sake of change, stop changing for the sake of keeping up with the Joneses. Hey…
This kind of looks ok. Have you tested any other colour theme except for brown? Does it ever been any possibility to change brightness of the white font? Do you think it’s an ovewhelmingly effort when it comes to programming?
But I’m old enough to remember on launching Cubase 1 on my Atari 1040ST for the very first time, having used Pro 24 and Notator (now Logic), being totally amazed at the entire look and feel of it. I remember the moment still to this day!
It was, almost quite literally, a million miles ahead of anything on the market introducing unheard of things at the time like, ‘faders’ and ‘knobs’ let alone the whole now Industry-Standard Arrange Window paradigm with ‘drag’n’drop’ not to mention the snazzy Toolbox on right-click!
It was akin to the iPhone-reveal moment that transformed mobile phones!
If Steinberg had a chat with PG (over the water cooler or a cup of tea) and asked him about his clean, tidy, solid, deliberate and thoughtfully designed Wavelab UI I dare say it would be a step in the right direction. Easer said than done as I’m fully aware of the complexities of gargantuan software design let alone implementation.
I’m not criticising the Cubase UI as I’m no longer staring at it 20 hours a day so don’t consider myself qualified to complain though I can appreciate just how important the ‘feel’ of a software application can be even if it is just a tool. Usually, I’m constantly still blown away at just how much can be accomplished on a laptop and a MIDI controller! Anyway…
I started using PT more and more. In PT they have you can have several variations of the UI saved separate from the main settings. Something we have been wanting for forever. It works somewhat like our key commands work in that you have a separate key command file separate from settings. I love Cubase and have been using it for a long time. I want it to be the very best.
You can do that with preferences… You can save preferences as a preset. Just tick UI options to be saved if you want. I have 2 presets, one dark one light theme.
Agree with many here . Also, the white text in mixer and in the pannel looks so strange… and the old buttons looks much better for me. The new one is 2D…
Yeah agreed - the new inspector plus the new single channel is in my opinion so much better. I don’t have a problem with the bold either.
I think the monitor you’re using can make a big difference too - different users have some many different varieties of setup - different resolutions - different quality of monitor - brightness, contrast settings etc.
I personally hope that Steinberg doesn’t take the drama of this thread seriously and instead institutes small fixes to the GUI here and there. I agree with a lot in this thread, but a lot of this is small subtle changes that can easily be implemented. In my opinion, the panic button people saying “the gui is infinitely worse now, please reset everything to how it was” should not be listened to. A lot about the GUI has been changed for the better. Only a few things have been changed for the worse. Let’s be smart about this.
When you have to work on a daw for 10 to 12 hours straight the color on the interface it’s extremely important, white letters and numbers aren’t exactly the best for your eyes, I’ve been asking Cubase for few years now to let us change the color of the letters and numbers and nothing, one thing about Germans is that they give you the best that they can they will create something new that nobody has seen before but as soon as you tell them what you want they will not go that route, they won’t back down for nothing they rather nuke Cubase before they change to what the users want, it’s been more than 10 years since users started asking for tracks to move with it he mixer, something that every daw does and yet they won’t do it, whyyyyyyy?? Because they don’t want to be told what to do, Pro tools gui now can be set however you want, you can change colors of letters/ numbers , brightness , contrast everything
I ask engineers and people that do software coding if changing this things are hard and they tell me that is so simple that they are no excuses nowadays to not listen to the users and let them customize things the please, Cubase 13 graphics are so bad on the eyes that I went immediately to 12 and also work on Pro tools because of how easy on the eyes it is. Hopefully Steinberg proves me wrong and start listening to the users.