Cubase 13 Media Not Working

I’m Not on Windows so this isn’t the issue. Thanks anyway

Also weird, why is there a folder in the OSX prefs called “Steinberg Media Server” that contains identical files as are in the actual “Cubase 13” Prefs folder? (Content Manager.xml, mediabay3.db, Module Cache.xml, scannedChecksums3.bin, scannedFolders3.bin). Isn’t that redundant and may cause issues?

You may want to check my post once again: “Back-up or delete the Steinberg MediaBay Server Preferences and the Steinberg MediaLib Preferences”

The “identical” files (only in terms of file names) in the Cubase 13 Prefs folder are those that got migrated from C12 (they are not used).

I did that already. I pretty much deleted all Steinberg-related prefs, reinstalled Cubase 13, and deleted cubase 12 prefs, so no migration, and the problem persists.

Please send me the zipped prefs of the Steinberg MediaBay Server, I will take a look at your settings. Are there any crash-logs from Steinberg MediaBay Server? They can be found in the Console app of macOS.

Thank you so much.
Steinberg MediaBay (2.1 MB)

Hi @dhmusicinc

from your prefs I learned, that you have a Volume Database on “Sounds A” … as there are no entries from that volume in the mediabay3.db but there are entries in the scannedFolders.bin, that tells the folder is completely scanned.

This shouldn’t be a problem, but it possibly is and I do not understand why … if you like we could do a TeamViewer session and we have a look together.

Send me a pm, if you like!

Viele Grüße,

Hi, I solved this issue just running Cubase as administrator. I thought it was a problem from splice but seems to be with everyone. Just ran it as administrator and it read every wav

Thanks for sharing your solution, I wonder what it needs to run into a situation where the current user permissions are not sufficient. Will discuss this topic our team. For security reasons it should be avoided to run application as administrator.

I guess it was a one time thing, because I ran it normally after that and it had no issues with the media bay

Im facing the same problem

cubase is Absolutely useless without media bay,
is there a solution to this?

I found the problem. It’s a file you need to delete. I’m not in my studio but I’ll forward you the fix. Took me hours to figure out. It’s a leftover file from a previous Cubase version so many people are probably experiencing this issue and Steinberg has no clue. I’ll have it up tomorrow.

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I’m on Mac, by the way.

Hi There, will you please share the solution you found? Thank you

Mac: (See Screenshot)
Libray-Application Support-Steinberg-MediaBay. DELETE that MediaBay folder. It contains two files: mediaclient.bundle, and SteinbergMediaBayServer.

I think they are duplicates and they trip up MediaBay.
As soon as I deleted that folder, MediaBay scanned again. All good.


Replying to confirm dhmusicinc’s solution is the correct one, deleting that folder has allowed my mediabay to work again as intended.

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Thank you so much dhmusicinc, this worked a treat

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Hopefully, Steinberg addresses this in a future update.

This solution worked fine for me, Thank you for sharing.

After fixing this problem, it returned! The same solution re-fixes it.

  • Interestingly, the search now only works inside one level of folder.
    So if I am in my ‘Animals’ folder, I can search for animals and results are shown as expected. If I go one level up to the effects folder that contains the Animals folder amongst others, no results are displayed. This inaccuracy makes Mediabay less useful than just using Finder and dragging files in. Hoping for a fix!