Cubase 13 - Meters Dont Change after Applying Preferences Color Updates


I purchased Cubase 13 a few days ago and tried changing the colors of the meters, from the “Cubase → Preferences ->Appearance” Menu, however the changes do not take place on any of the audio meters in the program, regardless of wether im looking at the arrangement view or mixer view.

If I change the default preset for the master meter, than I can choose the updated colors setting and use these custom colors there, however on the channel meters I am stuck with the original colors which come with cubase and there seems to be no way to change that.

On version 12 these changes would implement imediately upon pressing apply however on 13 they do not.

Im on a mac, any help would be very appreciated.


Make sure, you select the correct Scale for editing, please.

Dear Martin,

Many thanks for the quick reply.

I just tested and changing the colors on the +3 Scale does affect the mix console and arrangement view meters.

I was left under the impression that I can chage the scales for these as well and this must have caused the confusion.

Thanks for this.

Just to ask, is it possible to change the channel meters from +3 to +6 or any other scale or are they fixed to the +3 scale?

Make sure that you adjust the color of the scale that you have set for the Master Meter.



The +3dB Digital scale is mandatory for the Channel Meters, so these colors have to be adjusted for that. No alternative scale can be selected for Channel Meters (in contrast to Master Meter, which has a bunch of different scales to chose from).

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I went through this a couple of weeks ago and I couldn’t get it to work either. Eventually I got it working. I think the trick is you have to set the scale to +3dB digital in the preferences dialog. Once you do that, the color changes will have effect. AFAIK, that is the only relevant scale for the mix console.

In other words, the mix console scale can’t be changed. It is always +3dB Digital, so if you want to change the colors for the mix console meters, you must first select that scale in the preferences dialog. The scale menu hints at this with the words “channel meter”, but it’s rather confusing.

Can you have one +3 scale for the Master Meter and a different +3 scale for the channel meters? So you can set up different colors for each of them?

My master scale +3 colors don’t translate well at all to the channel meters.

I’m thinking not, but hoping someone can prove me wrong.
