Cubase 13 - Removed Transport Preferences

I just bought Cubase 13, and there’s lots to love about this update (the new MixConsole is great: the added channel panel to the left of the main project window, the mono-stereo track button, new plugins, new midi editing features, etc).

But I’m very surprised to see that they’ve removed some long-standing Transport preferences. The preferences window hasn’t changed for a long time, and there’s no update to it in Cubase 13 so I’m just confused why Steinberg would remove some pretty basic features there. Specifically the “Return to Start Position on Stop” and the “Zoom while Locating in Time Scale”.

Those two settings vary widely between different DAW’s and it’s nice to work in a DAW that allows the user to choose that behaviour for themselves.

I hope those features have just moved somewhere that I’m not aware of.

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It’s been moved.

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