Cubase 13 text bug - gibberish characters


This has been an issue with Cubase and Nuendo with previous versions as well, am currently using C13’s two week trial via Splice and the bug seems to persist. It is specifically the usage of Output’s ‘Arcade’ vst instrument that causes all DAW text to become gibberish.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open any project or create a new one
  2. Load up an instance of Arcade
  3. Either immediately or after some (random period of) time using, the DAW text turns to gibberish - specifically, the letters are all shifted by one. So, in the MixConsole Stereo Out becomes Tvfsfp Pvu

This bug has been reported numerous times before.

I have enquired with Output Support about this, but according to them it is a Steinberg issue.

The temporary workaround is to Disable GPU Acceleration, but this renders the GUI so laggy and slow that it’s impossible to work.

This is the only thing that will be a deal-breaker for me to actually buy C13, as I am loving all the new features, but since I use Arcade very frequently it becomes nearly impossible to work properly.

Steinberg folks, if you could acknowledge this as a bug and advise whether a hotfix is possible for this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.


They have not responded to you yet. It is definitely a bug because I have had to deal with it since C12. Now on the trial for C13 and was hoping that this issue would be resolved but it appears that it has not been. For me this is also a major annoyance and has me opening up my other DAWs that I would rather not use. I prefer Cubase but I definitely enjoy using arcade as well. Now every project I use arcade I have to open another DAW for a smooth workflow.

If you know of any fix for this issue by now I would greatly appreciate it if you would share this information. I would love to get back to being able to rely on Cubase for all my projects.

Hey, unfortunately I think this is never going to get resolved because both Steinberg and Output are just blaming each other for this particular bug and neither of them want to take responsibility for fixing it.

I’m now using Cubase/Nuendo only for mixing, and producing on Logic and Live. It’s a real shame.


I’m not sure this will 100% work for you but I opened up a template that I had set up that includes Arcade and it didn’t make gibberish characters on my session and I had it opened for hours.

Interestingly enough if I close the template session and create an empty session and add Arcade it will make gibberish as soon as it loads up. Also if I then close that session and reopen the template it will now make the gibberish appear.

However, if I close out Cubase altogether and reopen the application and just open the template I will not have any gibberish appear at all.

So I’m guessing that if you create a template that includes Arcade upon load up and then save that template and restart the application working from that template you may not run into any of the gibberish.

Just thought I would give you that advice since you’re the only other person I know that wrote about this on here. LOL!

Anyways, I hope that this works out for you as it has for me.

I’ve experienced this problem with several plugins, most recently the Massenburg plugins, their reply was to disable GPU acceleration which is obviously not a good solution, they say it’s an issue with JUCE and Cubase.

I’ve also had the problem with Cytomic The Drop, so maybe there is something to the JUCE story… any ideas or solutions forthcoming other than “Disable GPU Acceleration” ?