After updating to C14.0.1.0, the list of recently used pieces in the hub is empty and my keyboard shortcuts no longer work… 
How do I get them back?
Thanks a lot,
Nach dem Update auf C14.0.1.0 ist im Hub die Liste mit den zuletzt benutzten Stücken leer und meine Tastatur-Shortcuts funktionieren nicht mehr… 
Wie bekomme ich sie wieder?
Vielen Dank,
Correction: it doesn’t seem to have been the installation of the update, but the uninstallation of C 13… I’m afraid the settings have disappeared then, haven’t they? I could look for them in a TimeMachine backup: in which directory would they be found?
Thank you very much,
Korrektur: es scheint nicht die Installation des Updates gewesen zu sein, sondern die Deinstallation von C 13… Ich befürchte, dann sind die Einstellungen verschwunden, oder? Ich könnte in einem TimeMachine Backup danach suchen: in welchem Verzeichnis wären sie zu finden?
Vielen Dank,
Here’s how you can restore them:
Recent Projects List
The recent projects list is stored in preferences files. After uninstalling, these may have been deleted or reset. You can check for backups or try to restore them manually.
Possible File Location for Recent Projects (Windows)
C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 13_64\Defaults.xml
- If you have a backup, look for a previous version of this file and restore it.
- If missing, recent projects may need to be opened manually again to repopulate the list.
Possible File Location for Recent Projects (Mac)
~/Library/Preferences/Cubase 13/Defaults.xml
Keyboard Shortcuts
Your custom keyboard shortcuts are saved in a .xml
file within Cubase’s preferences folder. You may be able to restore them from a backup.
If this file was removed during uninstallation, check if you have a backup or look in a previous Cubase version’s preferences folder (e.g., Cubase 12_64
) for a copy.
After restoring the files, restart Cubase to see if your shortcuts and recent projects return.
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