Bug 01:
There is a curious crash happening upon opening projects with Cubase 14 in which Vengeance VPS Multiband Sidechain and Vengeance VPS Midibay loaded. To me, it renders the DAW useless as those are the tools I use and they work perfectly fine on Cubase 11. Funnily, couple of projects I work on that were bounced from Cubase 11 to Cubase 14, didn’t crash, but now that I start a new one, Cubase 14 would just crash immediately upon loading the project (even just a simple template project with those 2 plugins involved) but also when using previously made Cubase 11 project, it would load, and the the Cubase 14 would crash.
- It’s really neat the modulate-everything option you have added to the DAW but it’s pretty useless as long as it’s not possible to automate it…
02 doesn’t mean much to me, but 01 is a total non starter, any ideas?
Kind Regards,
Please, attach the *.ips/dmp file.
Thanks Martin,
The dump file apparently bigger than 4mb and the system wouldn’t accept… So I’ll upload it zipped
Cubase 14.0.10 64bit2025.2.1 (1.5 MB)
The crash is in the plug-in:
Please, get in touch with the plug-in vendor.
Hi Martin,
Thanks, I am aware that this is the plug-in that is involved with the crash, but the reason that I wanted to check with you guys, is that this plug-in doesn’t crush in Cubase 11, and doesn’t crash when I use a Cubase 11 started project and continue it in Cubase 14. If it was crashing over the board, I wouldn’t even raise this question and go to the vendor directly (which I will anyway) but it’s peculiar and feels that the bug might be with the DAW because it works well with older versions and does work with the last one if imported.
Do I make any sense?
I understand your point. On the other hand, the crash is in the plug-in’s code. There is nothing, Steinberg can do.