Cubase 14 and handling and importing mp4 movie files


Cubase 13 devotee - I still struggle importing mp4 movie files into projects that are created in WhatsApp, they simply refuse to load. Mercifully a helpful forum member has wised me up on Handbrake and constant framerate. By importing files into Handbrake first and then into Cubase works. However the converted file refuses to be imported into the media bay (which may be due to me having a preference wrongly selected?) but it will happily allow me to drag and drop it into the project window.

However to make life a tad easier does anyone know (or even better, sussed) whether the shiny new Cubase 14 recognises, loads, and plays mp4 movie files created in WhatsApp and then imported into the video track without any converting in other software.

In advance- thank you a shed load.

Hi - while waiting for other responses, you could install and try out the 60-day Trial Version yourself (to check this on your particular system)…?

Or, could you attach an actual/real example of the kind of file troubling you here, for others to test/experiment with…? Of course, chances are that exactly nothing has changed in regards to this in C14.

Remember to zip the file first before attaching, or upload to a file-hosting site and post the link.

Thank you for your support.

I actually did think about just buying the C14 upgrade but as I’m currently in the middle of a project I’ve learned over the years not to install any updates/upgrades until the gig is signed off and locked.

My long suffering engineer has always been a Logic bod (also on a Mac platform) has no problem loading the mp4 movie files, oddly when the edits etc. come back to me as mp4 they always load seamlessly into Cubase……??

It’s a great idea to upload a troubling file for others to test/experiment with… thank you.