Cubase 14 Crash + Soundtoys

Hi! Yesterday I bought Cubase 14 and Soundtoys. Some plugins (reverbs) kill Cubase and I get an error message. I attach the Crashdump
Cubase 14.0.10 64bit2025.1.3 (2,1 МБ)
file. Thank you!

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Can you try those plugins in another DAW, to make sure it’s a Cubase-related issue?

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Did you have a previous installation of Little Plate? If so, please deinstall it from your system and only run the latest Soundtoys suite.
If this is not the case, can you give a few specs regarding your computer and OS?
Soundtoys should run perfectly fine and Little Plate does not use a lot of processing power.

EDIT: Had a look at the dmp. From what I can see it is a stack overflow caused by Little Plate. You are running a Win10 64 bit system which should work just fine with Soundtoys like it does here. Older versions of free promotion plugins like Little Plate can cause such hassle.

On my laptop it’s ok. Thanks!