Cubase 14 DawProject

Trying out the Cubase 14 trial… to see if the DawProject idea works. And when I convert a Cubase project to DawProject, almost everything is available in Studio One, except any kind of automation. And DawProject files that I create with Studio One don’t open in Cubase.

Anyone know what’s going on here

You just read my mind same thing am doing now. Hope it works

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Unfortunately automation data could not yet be supported by the current DAWproject implementation. I hope Steinberg is able to enhance this in future (maintenance) releases.


Damn. Yeah, hopefully.

Guess I’ll put off converting my files for a while longer.

“While automation and crossfades are not fully supported in this initial Cubase 14 release, we plan to expand these features in upcoming maintenance updates.”

Hadn’t read the release notes. But yeah, says exactly that right here. Thanks, Johnny.

By automation does that include MIDI Controllers? I only ask because in my testing it doesn’t import or export any.

Hmm. Alot of work to be done. First things first

  • change all custom plugins to a 3rd party to get them translated over.
  • convert all drum pattern to parts
  • automation are not transferred
  • Folders are transferred but not folder bus.
  • audio stretch is not transferred
  • Global Transpose not transferred
  • Event fx not transferred
  • gain staging not transferred

I will convert the studio one project by fixing all the above issue and see the out come. But it was nice to see the structure was perfect.

MIDI CC is also not there yet.

Are you 100% sure the DAWProject format even supports all of this?

It does support automation, including MIDI CC, and that works in the Bitwig and Studio One implementations.

(from a year ago) The following types of data are currently supported in a .dawproject file*:

  • Audio Tracks
  • Instrument Tracks
  • Folders
  • Automation
  • Mixer Channels
  • Channel Insert and Send Effects
  • VST2 and VST3 plug-in settings (AU coming soon)
  • Markers

It’s the universal exchange format that daw users have been wishing for since… forever. Props to Bitwig.

Is anyone doing an import into Cubase?

I’ve been able to export from Bitwig into C14. Tracks, Midi and Audio make it over fine but I’m not seeing any Insert / Return VST3s?

… to analyse the problem : Can you create a simple DAWproject file which contains the problem and drop it here or send it to me? If the drop does not work, please zip the file.

Thank you,

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if the insert are built-in bitwig plugin it wont translate.

There are four stock plugin types that can optionally translate from Bitwig, and vice versa. Gate, EQ, Compressor, and Limiter… if they choose to support that.

I can transfer a dawproject file from Studio One into Cubase 14 with adjustments needed for articulations), but from C14 to S1 the conversion is not effective - top layer folders are copied, but none of the contained tracks or MIDI data (forget automation data). So - not useful yet.

It looks like the main issue I’m seeing [ VST3 Channel Insert FX in Instrument / Audio Tracks ] is linked with these being Ableton Live projects opened in Bitwig and then saved. I don’t get this issue when using a project created in Bitwig ‘from scratch’.

However… VSTs on FX Channels and Master are not being imported into C14 from any Bitwig / Studio One DAWproject export here.

[ OSX Sonoma, Native, All DAWs running current versions ]

I transfered an orchestral mockup from Sudio One to Cubase 14 and the tempo map didn’t import into Cubase. I think I read that “tempo” is supported by the DAWPROJECT format. Is it just that Steinberg hasn’t got it implemented yet?

As far as I can see tempo should be im- and exported. So it would rather be a bug.
Would it be ok to supply Steinberg with the project from Studio One for troubleshooting purposes?

DAWproject supports a Tempo Track. But Studio One does not export it. That’s the bug. Please contact the Studio One team.

See you,

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… can you please create a simple Cubase project and give me access to it? Then please tell me what will not be transferred to Studio One? Then I can analyse it.

See you,

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