Cubase 14 Graphics issue

Hey everyone,

I have a small issue, inside of Cubase 13 the text for the channels are in bold while in Cubase 14 they are not. I have attached 2 screenshots. It’s like the whole update has put the text into italics.

I hope that makes sense.

Has anyone got any advice ?


Maybe, just maybe, updating to 14 reset this option to default.
There’s a bold option in the preferences somewhere.

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Thanks for the reply, yea I’ve gone through the preferences and had no joy. I’ll keep looking. :wink:

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Edit>Preferences>EventDisplay>Tracks>Track Name Font Weight


:joy: ahaha! I feel you.

As per @stingray :


Thanks so much, thats the one :blush:

Ihave mine like this all the time, don’t forget those partially sighted. this one of my biggest bugs with some VSTs, ESPECIALLY SPITFIRE AUDIO SMALL PRINT AND DARK BACKGROUND, CUBASE HAS SIMILAR PROBLEMS FOR ME , especially small print on dark backgrounds.sorry for the rant.