I am a Dorico 5.1 Pro user currently working on a song that I was about to transfer to my Cubase 13 Pro. Since I heard of the new Dorico-based score editor in Cubase 14 and the improved Cubase 14 integration with Dorico I didn’t hesitate and upgraded to Cubase 14 Pro.
After installing Cubase 14 I went straight to the File->Import menu but I could not locate the MusicXML option - there isn’t one. I thought it could be somewhere else or that maybe now Cubase 14 opens Dorico Projects directly. But I couldn’t find any option that would allow me to open it or transfer my Dorico music to Cubase 14 except by using the simple MIDI option - with very bad results to be honest.
Sure enough I reopen my old Cubase 13 Pro and there was the option to File → Import → MusicXML - and altough not greatly integrated with the old score Cubase 13 editor, at least it is there and it works.
Can anyone help me find in Cubase 14 Pro either an option to open MusicXML exported from Dorico or, even better, a way to open Dorico projects. I truly hope I am missing something…
Thank you so much for any help or hint.