Recently updated to Cubase 14.0.10 Nov 2024 build. Now have very high resting CPU usage even when idle and massive spikes running even a few AU plugins.
All plugs are silicon ready (one is NI Kontakt, sigh) and Machine is MBP M1 Pro running Ventura 13.6.9.
My SSL UF8 and UFC have also started triggering notes on virtual instruments which is also annoying.
Anyone have any ideas I have reinstalled Cubase Pro but still have the same problem.
Just opened the C14 test template with 6 VI’s in C13 and the CPU Usage barely registers so, on my machine, there is clearly an issue with how C14 handles loading across cores. This is unacceptable, I’ve downloaded the Logic 90 day trial and I’ll run the same test and report back.
I was using Sonoma but things got so bad I thought maybe updating the OS will fix everything. Spoiler alert - it didn’t. So I’m currently on Sequoia still dealing with ridicules CPU usage and spikes.
Sorry I am NOT running AU plugins I meant VST plug ins the only thing that makes a difference is AudioGridder - really drops the resting processor usage.
Right starting to get very annoyed with Steinbroken now. Have uprgaded to Sonoma
Same template in C13 and C14 under Sonoma 14.7.2 ooh nice backgrounds…
C14 Idles like a car with snapped camshaft - very high and lumpy idle then every 10-15 seconds wham massive spike to red.
C13 Same template idles smooth.
For me it’s definitely C14, not the Machine or the OS. Same template in my trial version of logic idles like a Rolls Royce.
My one day off to make music and I am trouble shooting this bullsh_t instead of pursuing my hobby. Good job I don’t need this software to make my living.
Thats weird.
Are the audio settings like resolution and buffer set to same values?
M1 Pro Notebook here and no problems at all with such things. OS is latest Sonoma.
Are you using Cubase in Native Silicon mode?
Hi, I just upgraded.
never did a clean install since I bought the MBP in 2021.
Do you run Cubase in Rosetta or Silicon Native mode? Changing this made a noticeable difference on my system.