Cubase 14 new score editor. Important bits missing

I thought I could adapt my workflow to the new editor but having tried it, I think I will have to go back to 13. Here’s why…

  1. I need Page Text. I need to be able to add notes at the top of the first page and move the first system down to make room for them. I often do several revisions of a piece as the band rehearses, and I need to put the revision notes at the top.
  2. I can’t find any way of setting the bar numbers to anything other than “first bar of the system”. I write a lot for beginners, and I usually put a bar number on alternate bars. Also, if I’m rearranging an existing piece, I might need to offset the start bar to keep the numbers in synch with the original.
  3. The absence of rehearsal letters is a show stopper. If I’m simplifying one part for someone, I need those letters to match the original parts that everyone else has.
  4. If I use the score settings to enter the title, why can’t I have different fonts for the title and composer? And where is the box for Arranger? And anyone else I need to credit at the top?
  5. I miss the Split and Glue options. The tools are there in the new editor but their function seems to have changed. I used to split/glue my systems until I have compact but readable music. Can’t do it anymore because Split doesn’t split, it just repeats the time sig.
  6. I don’t want the part name at the beginning of the staff. I want it up in the top left corner in a big font so people can quickly find their parts in a folder. This also keeps the first system as close to the top as possible so I have chance of getting the whole piece on one page. I could use the Lyricist slot to enter the part name, but its position is still fixed.
  7. There seems to be no option for a sub-title.
  8. Can’t figure out how to make the title appear on all pages. This is important as kids tend to jumble parts in their folders. The word “Title” is ghosted on all pages in the editor, but it doesn’t print. Same with bar numbers.

Fully agree with all points!

Hi Ric, welcome to the forum!

I’m afraid you’re running right into a limitation of the new Score Editor. If you plan to add more complex text frames and move the music frame, that sounds like a project that would be easier to achieve in Dorico.
You can see if it’s sufficient for you to add system text at the beginning of the music, but that may prove too limiting for what you’re trying to do.

You can define an offset for the bar numbers in the “Project Setup” dialog. Bar number drawing can’t be changed in the Score Editor though.

We’re planning to add support for rehearsal marks in a future update.

The 4 items you can change in Score Settings / Project Information are currently the only things that are shown in a page header. We’ll increase the flexibility further in a future update, but as above, you may be better off using Dorico’s more flexible approach.
Related, your last question regarding “Title”, this is using whatever information is added in this dialog, but will not print if nothing is provided.

Please take a lookg at the Layout Settings / Staves and Systems section. Also ensure to create individual part layouts, as those have different default settings…

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