When I select the colors I want to use for different track types in the preferences, I still only get one color (red) for all.
Any ideas, did I miss something?
Works perfectly fine here. Just to be on the same page: you change it in your preferences, save it, and when you open the track type it does not show the colour that you picked?
Can you upload a screenshot of your preferences?
try this and relative options:
Be sure to have at least one selected track when you open the color panel.
This is what I see if I open the color panel with nothing is selected:
And then with a selected track:
Ah, good thinking!
Although I have never heard of a monochromatic color palette in Cubase that contains only red - that might for some very strange reasons be a possible explanation.
Yes, who knows. If you expect a full blown colour explosion on your tracks you might not realize that only a tiny detail has changed.
Do I hear a 4th possible explanation?
Yes that is exactly what I’m talking about.
We had this topic already some time ago.
If you feel comfortable editing an .xml file, look here:
Otherwise here:
The issue I’m having - I select the default colors for each type of track in the preferences. But I still get the same one color for every track type.
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