Cubase 14 Pro - Audio Cuts

Hi, I’m having a serious problem with Cubase 14 Pro (14.0.10, I don’t know if it also happened with previous versions). It happens that I suffer audio cuts, both small and lasting several seconds, frequently. It happens to me both on my laptop and on my desktop PC, with different specs (AMD Ryzen 7 on the laptop, Intel i7 on the PC) and different sound cards (Behringer UMC1820 on the laptop and Steinberg UR-RT2 on the PC). Even in different projects with different plugins and virtual instruments. The best thing is that the Cubase audio performance monitor doesn’t show any cuts. Remember that there are audio cuts lasting seconds (5 or 6 seconds easily). Using Cubase as a host for different virtual instruments for live performances, it’s a problem that makes it unusable.

If I open the projects with Cubase 12, those cuts don’t occur, always with Cubase 14. Something is wrong with this version, which they should fix.


Try to increase the Audio Device’s Buffer Size.

Also make sure, there is no plug-in in a Trial/Demo mode installed, please.

All plugins are activated. Anyway, as I said, Cubase 12 (I haven’t tried version 13) doesn’t give me those problems. With the same projects, same plugins and same audio configuration (including latency). Remember that the exact same behavior occurs on 2 different devices, with different audio cards, different drivers and different components. The two computers share the operating system, Windows 10 (last update). Cubase 12 works well, Cubase 14 badly, in all cases.