Cubase 14 Pro - Mediabay Key detection, how does this work?

I’m not sure how the new feature for key detection in mediabay is supposed to work, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Any idea’s or videos explaining this new feature or how to get it to recognize the keys from samples ?

Or maybe it doesn’t offer true key detection ?

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Same question

Any of you longtime Cubase guru’s able to answer this ?
Is it possible for mediabay to actually read / detect samples key’s in Cubase 14 ?

I don’t think it’s meant or claimed to work out the key.

If you have a loop (such as steinbergs) that has the key embedded in the meta data, then you can now choose a new key to transpose to, or set it to follow the project.

If a key isn’t set in the meta data then you can just use the transpose function to manually move it up or down.

You can manually add in the key to any audio you have within media bay, but you need to work it out yourself.

It is a new feature in Mediabay so I don’t think it matters how long you have used Cubase :slight_smile:

from what I understand Mediabay in Cubase 14 now can preview the key of your project. Then you need to have set a key to make Mediabay read that. Then once the mediabay can read what key you want to work in it will transpose your samples to fit that information.

if you want to find the key of a sample/loop I would suggest trying to drag it into the chord track or use something like Variaudio analysis or Melodyne to see what notes are reflected there.