I just installed Cubase 14 pro on my Windows 10. When i load a project the audio tracks wont play, there comes no sound in output. I have checked the routing, the audio connection, the tracks and events however, the meters work as they should.
Instrument tracks works fine and play through output as it should.
Please give me some advise!
What audio interface do you have and have you installed its asio driver?
Thanks for a fast response.
I use Focusrite Scarlet 6i6 and it is my chosen audio driver.
Do you still gave the previous Cubase version as well? Does this work ok? Maybe a re-installation of the driver will fix it,
I don’t mean to sound corny with my answer below, but every once in a while (once or twice a year?) I encounter an issue, where all the visuals work correctly in Cubase, but the audio of one or more channels is just not happening.
Simply rebooting my system seems to fix it for me.
I created new audio tracks and moped the events and it works, so I am fine (at least at the moment). I fine this very strange though, I use the same project Witherspoons en tracks. The other audio tracks wire originally created in Cubase 12, maybe it has something to do with it?
Thanks for the help!