Hi Guys,
I have an issue with Cubase 14 Pro in that a miditrack that has successfully recorded notes and shows activity on playback does not produce any sounds? This happens quite randomly, sometimes the track plays back fine, other times the notes are silent. It is as though the track has been muted but without the mute button showing yellowed out or being pressed?
I read there was a bug in cubase around 2020 but surely this would have been addressed.
Anyone else experiencing this or can provided a solution?
No Mackie device. I am recording from a Yamaha Genos 2. The tracks record fine with all the midi data recorded, However, sometimes the track will playback fine other times the track appears to be muted although there is activity showing on the track
As I mentioned, the track records midi perfectly fine. The track meter shows full activity during playback, the mute button is not on (not yellow), no sound is heard. If I open the track editor and click on one of teh midinotes there is no sound even though the velocity is around 70. Other tracks which have been recorded as part of multitrack playback fine.
If I delete all the tracks and the record a second take it may or may not playback ok. This appears to be isolated to a single track in my template.
The fact that the track may or may not playback ok tells me there is nothing wrong with my template.
Back to the Genos 2 which acts as a sound module for playback. I am having no issues with the other tracks, just this one? The odd thing is that without making any changes, on clearing all the tracks and then making a new recording the playback sometimes works and other times doesn’t - weird?
As an afterthought, I wonder if the Genos is somehow muting the sound? Let me investigate that possibility. I’ll get back to you I cannot find an issue with the Genos.
‘Clearing all the tracks’ = delete them completely.
However, it looks like I have discovered the culprit. It is as you say down to MIDI CC7, which is sending two messages one after the other. The result is that when I look at the playback volumes on my Genos there are instances where the volume drops to zero, hence no sound!! The entry in list editor show ‘CC7 Main volume,ramp’ at say 75 volume the next entry which is listed immediately below the first shows something like ‘CC7 Main volume, ramp’ with a volume at something like 72. If I delete the first of the double entry messages the volume on my Genos doesn’t drop to zero? and playback is fine.
The tracks are set to a specific channel to match the transmit channel of the keyboard. The keyboard is transmitting on multiple channels at the same time so I can multi track. Each keyboard transmit channel is matched to a specific matched miditrack in Cubase.
As requested, please see attached screenshots of various info. The screenshot (List Editor 1) does not produce any playback sound via the Genos, the volume level on the Genos drops to zero. After removing the second CC7 entries (List Editor 2) the sounds play fine.