Cubase 14 Pro/Wavelab Pro 12 question

Is it possible to set up Cubase so that when you double click on an audio part it launches Wavelab? I’d imagined it would be in Preferences but can’t see anything


You can use WaveLab as ARA extension in Cubase.

Yes like this…

and inside Cubase with ARA

regards S-EH

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Thanks guys but respectfully I realised this. The method I am asking for is whether it can be linked to a mouse double click

One way is in Cubase use WaveLab ARA and in WaveLab ARA
also use External Editor WaveLab and it’s possible to create key command in Cubase and open WaveLab with this key command. I have key command control + W to open WaveLab 12, maybe there more ways to do this…

regards S-EH


Thanks . I’ll give it a go. There really should be an easier way though.

In the absence of contextual double-click overrides, assigning a key combination to the Edit in Wavelab menu option is about as trivial as you can get. Selecting the audio you want and using Control+W (funny I chose the same combination) works perfectly once you edit the Key Command.

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And if you want to edit in an alternative editor (other than Wavelab), how does this happen?

I think you’d choose an ARA compliant editor and just use the ARA extension, or a plug-in launcher if your editor supports it (e.g. via Direct Offline Processing) but that’s a little more involved. RX Connect is a great example of this, and is quite powerful. But it depends on what you want to do. Personally, once I committed to WaveLabs beginning in WL11, I’ve not needed direct 3rd party access other than RX Connect (Still on v10). That said, your audio files will be in the Pool, and as long as you’re not using one of the VST sound banks you can go to the Pool, select your audio file, and “Show in Finder” where you can launch any 3rd party app you want to edit it. More work, but it can be done.