Cubase 14 Score Edit- Whats good and bad

This chart was made with Cubase 13 score edit…
Note lead-sheet has all the chord symbols and the tenor has them only on the solo section.
.Also note how the old charts can have slashes with or without stems or note heads.

Perry’s Place -Tenor.pdf (2.1 MB)
Perry’s Place -leadsheet.pdf (2.1 MB)

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Would also like to see brackets optional for repeats

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I need chord symbols that are completely independent of a chord track (or eventually multiple chord tracks are possible), since the displayed chord symbols have no meaning for the structure of the DAW project and can even be different for certain note layouts depending on the different musician roles of the layouts.
Simply any chord symbol at any position.

Of course, the chord display options also need to be improved. Flexible enharmonic shifts not in context of a scale, any combination of chord extensions, such as add2, add4, b5/7/9/b13.
No automatism, user simply lists all extension.

best regards

For now, this would require to move the work into Dorico. We will consider whether we can bring track-specific chord symbols into the Score Editor in future.


I do like to have chord symbols, sometimes lock to the chord track, but it would be nice if you could hold shift or control and move it slightly to a different position if need be. Same for text.
Also, I noticed that the size of the chord symbols are larger or smaller, depending on how many stays per page you are using. It would be very helpful if we could size the fonts of the chord symbols independently.


…And I recommend to make a shortcut for this action because Cubase makes lots of weird things with notes assignation on piano staves… You can program your own shortcuts in the edition / shortcuts menu.

Hey Paul,
loving this new Dorico integration.

I am having some issues though with the conversion from piano roll to score. Often,
even with MIDI length quantized perfectly things to not match (tuplets looking weird) and sometimes note overlapping even when they are not. The DQ button gives me mixed results as well. What is the best to troubleshot this?

Please could you attach a cut down version of the project that shows the problem.

Yes, I will…I need to find the time to reduce it.