Cubase 15 Wishlist

With the release of C14 seems like it would time to start a Wishlist for the next version.



  • fix flatten real time processing which mess up timing no matter the algo used.
  • fix vca channel losing its’ values upon reopening of project.
  • fix batch flatten processing on multiple events which results in pops and whole parts broken.


  • sandbox plugins so they don’t crash cubase.
  • option to place the cursor on clicked point on event (not only on empty space).
  • option to choose all algos for variaudio.

Once again, summing folders


Audio interface attached to project, not to cubase itself.


For laptop users

I think there should be an option to save and restore ALL audio connections with one click.

When starting cubase in the studio after a session on the go, all connections for the studio interface are gone.

How it is
As for now you need to restore/save inputs and outputs separately and can’t save all external instruments/fx at all. (In fact I have wrote myself a little script that overwrites the external plugins xml with one click with a (elsewhere) saved version. - because this is what you can do to restore after having startet Cubase on the go without the interface.)

How it would be much better
An option so save or load all audio connections at once. Even better - Cubase detects an previously used interface and restores the last saved connections automaticly.

This way it would be easy to work in different environments. For example - Work on ideas in the living room and then continue working fluidly in the studio.


Being able to set the meters to act as VU meters etc, much like Logic has had for ages.

They did give the ability to move tracks around in the mixer, so I’m impressed that something got through.

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The former is very likely, the latter - not so much.

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Automate last touched parameter.


It would be nice to have a master list of features where features can be appended to the previous list. (Easier to sort through)

  • Fix flatten real time processing which mess up timing no matter the algorithm used.
  • Fix VCA channel losing its values upon reopening of project.
  • Fix batch flatten processing on multiple events which results in pops and whole parts broken.
  • Sandbox plugins to prevent crashes.
  • Option to place the cursor on clicked point on event.
  • Option to choose all algorithms for VariAudio.

  • Summing folders

  • Save and restore ALL audio connections with one click

  • Set meters as VU meters (Logic)

  • Clip launcher
  • Support for CLAP (plugin format)

  • Automate last touched parameter.

  • Lyric track.
  • GUI consistency across all menus. (media bay, media pool, preferences)
  • Global display zoom (similar to Ableton).
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Ok but do not make your own selection.
My suggestion is not here ?
Audio interface attached to project, not to Cubase itself.
It is not equal to
Save and restore ALL audio connections with one click

Sorry about that. I definitely missed that one.

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MASTER LIST (Please append)

  • Fix flatten real time processing which mess up timing no matter the algorithm used.
  • Fix VCA channel losing its values upon reopening of project.
  • Fix batch flatten processing on multiple events which results in pops and whole parts broken.
  • Sandbox plugins to prevent crashes.
  • Option to place the cursor on clicked point on event.
  • Option to choose all algorithms for VariAudio.

  • Summing folders

  • Audio interface attached to project, not to Cubase itself.

  • Save and restore ALL audio connections with one click

  • Set meters as VU meters (Logic)

  • Clip launcher
  • Support for CLAP (plugin format)

  • Automate last touched parameter.

  • Lyric track.
  • GUI consistency across all menus. (media bay, media pool, preferences)
  • Global display zoom (similar to Ableton).
  • Fix the bugs in MIDI Remote
  • Minimize the risk of user preferences getting corrupted
  • Update expression maps
  • Rewrite VCA faders to have them function like proper VCA (and without bugs)
  • Implement an optional scroll lock on the upper track list when the track list is divided
  • Do not automatically add newly created channels to existing channel visibility configurations
  • Introduce a selection mem/zap (similar to zoom mem/zap) that stores and recalls selected tracks/channels/parts/events
  • Reconsider the graphical design of the mix console

MASTER LIST (Please copy the previous list and append to it, it helps with not having to scroll all the way to the top.)

  • Fix flatten real time processing which mess up timing no matter the algorithm used.
  • Fix VCA channel losing its values upon reopening of project.
  • Fix batch flatten processing on multiple events which results in pops and whole parts broken.
  • Sandbox plugins to prevent crashes.
  • Option to place the cursor on clicked point on event.
  • Option to choose all algorithms for VariAudio.

  • Summing folders

  • Audio interface attached to project, not to Cubase itself.

  • Save and restore ALL audio connections with one click

  • Set meters as VU meters (Logic)

  • Clip launcher
  • Support for CLAP (plugin format)

  • Automate last touched parameter.

  • Lyric track.
  • GUI consistency across all menus. (media bay, media pool, preferences)
  • Global display zoom (similar to Ableton).

  • Fix the bugs in MIDI Remote
  • Minimize the risk of user preferences getting corrupted
  • Update expression maps
  • Rewrite VCA faders to have them function like proper VCA (and without bugs)
  • Implement an optional scroll lock on the upper track list when the track list is divided
  • Do not automatically add newly created channels to existing channel visibility configurations
  • Introduce a selection mem/zap (similar to zoom mem/zap) that stores and recalls selected tracks/channels/parts/events
  • Reconsider the graphical design of the mix console


Since modulators are added I don’t have that much of a need for ‘new & shiny’ anymore, mostly improvements:

Unlimited Sends - with sidechains and sidechains in modulators, 8 slots are really not enough for advanced sound design in big projects.

Channel EQ - 8 filters instead of 4

Gate plugin - threshold lower than 60dB - synths have noise below that and it’s nice to hear full reverb tail

Modulators being able to modulate other modulators
More modulators - I don’t know which ones but: mooooooorrrrr! :wink:

Plugin Chainer: to merge eg. 2 synths or for effects something like Waves StudioVerse (M/S, Multiband Split)

Folder/Group Track merged into one.


Hello , is it somehow possible to record as audio in realtime vsti OUTPUT ? aka to route output into input of dedicated audio track ? since for example its much faster sometimes to work with live performance/arranger of the track in real time with maschine or MPC ? this feature is called as resample in Ableton live and its pain and torture honestly to bounce/export all those tracks back and forth with cubase ableton , honestly want to stay in cubase enviroment as much as possible .

Expression Maps overhaul (including per articulation negative track delay). Include Expression Maps parameters in Logical Editor.

DP-style Chunks for larger form scoring projects.

Further Dorico integration. The new Score Editor in 14 is wonderful!

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  • Fix flatten real time processing which mess up timing no matter the algorithm used.
  • Fix VCA channel losing its values upon reopening of project.
  • Fix batch flatten processing on multiple events which results in pops and whole parts broken.
  • Sandbox plugins to prevent crashes.
  • Option to place the cursor on clicked point on event.
  • Option to choose all algorithms for VariAudio.

  • Summing folders

  • Audio interface attached to project, not to Cubase itself.

  • Save and restore ALL audio connections with one click

  • Set meters as VU meters (Logic)

  • Clip launcher
  • Support for CLAP (plugin format)

  • Automate last touched parameter.

  • Lyric track.
  • GUI consistency across all menus. (media bay, media pool, preferences)
  • Global display zoom (similar to Ableton).

  • Fix the bugs in MIDI Remote
  • Minimize the risk of user preferences getting corrupted
  • Update expression maps
  • Rewrite VCA faders to have them function like proper VCA (and without bugs)
  • Implement an optional scroll lock on the upper track list when the track list is divided
  • Do not automatically add newly created channels to existing channel visibility configurations
  • Introduce a selection mem/zap (similar to zoom mem/zap) that stores and recalls selected tracks/channels/parts/events
  • Reconsider the graphical design of the mix console
  • Muted events are a darker shade of the current event colour - not white.

please add the list of issues with Direct Offline Processing…

you cant run a simple reverb & reverse in the favourites, it ends up in a mess because it doesnt wait for the process (reverb) to finish processing before it starts reversing, so it becomes half glitched out ( a bug since the inception of DOP which is CRAZY!
Thats something like 7 years with functionality fundamentally broken.

We still cant pitch 12 semitones on Mpex timestretch algorithm, its capped at 11 semitones (bug was introduced already a few years ago, cmon, we cant do an octave? this bug should be fixed immediately not years down the line)

VCA’s disabling all automation upon re-opening of project is also horrible and has been around for years, surely it doesn’t take that long to fix these things.

On the topic of new features.

Being able to combine multiple instruments into 1 rack, so we can use 1 midi, and have all the modulators etc attached to use on any parameter of any synth instrument in that rack… ( be able to save that rack as a preset to recall)

Multiband splits & parallel splits are needed ( i guess studio one or bitwig/ableton have good solutions here)

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You can do that now in 14. It’s in the manual.