Cubase 5 HalionOne Content, No DVD

I know this has been discussed before in a manner of sorts, but I have gotten a bunch of backing tracks (100+) as Cubase files from a former band mate that were made on C5, but when opening it seems that HALionOne was used throughout and I am on C7. I have been on the ftp site and downloaded


which then installs the S90 hsb and Soundz Silver hsb files, but I am still getting a lot of missing presents, and after a lot of searching I think the presets were from the additional content on the installation DVD, such as the Expression_set.msi, Pro_content.msi etc…

Does anyone know if these can be downloaded anywhere or are they part of the VST Sound Collection and I am just not finding the HSB files properly?

Again, I have read about people having problems with this, but t has been when they have had the original installation DVD’s

I have emailed Tech Support also, but not sure if i will get a response!

Thanks in advance


They are part of “additional content” on the install media. I’m fairly certain that you need to wait for the response from support.

I had a feeling that was the case, and with there being no iso file of C5 on the FTP site obviously stuck until then!

Thanks for the quick response though.

do you have any cubase install media? I have C4 and C5 DVDs and that stuff is on those. I don’t know if it is on the C7 media or not, I downloaded that.

I have the C7 install media, but it is no longer on there as it has been replaced by Halion Sonic SE, and whilst the content is apparently within the new sets, as the patches have been altered within HalionOne, I dont believe it would make a difference and would require a rebuild of each patch in the new player.

yeah sorry, that’s all I got. I will say that the couple of times I’ve needed media links I received them within 48 hours. Hope you get it sorted out.

I did PM you, but the msi files on c% are what I need. Not sure I will get a reply as I never owned C5. You never know with support!

Just wanted to close this thread, support got in touch with the link to the C6.0.2 ISO file, so cheers guys!
