+1 here for the mono/stereo labelling - and the fonts lettering looks really clear on my laptop.
+1 here for the mono/stereo labelling - and the fonts lettering looks really clear on my laptop.
+1 , same here
Whichever track happens to be last in the mixconsole ends up partly cut off, no matter how I resize the window or the channels. For example:
whats your screen res …??
maybe its that … worth checking
Desktop resolution is 5040 x 1050 but I’ve tried it with 1680 x 1050 (after restarting Cubase), and the same thing happens.
I am getting this too. Happened in 7.0.2 as well. Might have something to do with saved projects vs. new projects.
-With 1920x1200, the last track is impossible to see on the mixer. I had to make a group channel track for everything so I wouldn’t need to see the output track. In 7-0.2 I could see most of the output track.
-I lost all my 8 channel & rack configurations in the mixer 1! Other mixers still have them.
-Track width in the mixer seems to be random. Try lenghten the width, then closing/opening the mixer repeatedly and you’ll see.
-Still experiencing hickups. Asio-meter doesn’t go red, but playback pauses for about 0,3 seconds every now and then. Also happens when recording, ruining the take. I’ve tried everything, BIOS, Asio-guard on/off etc. Nothing does any difference.
So far, I’m not happy with this.
Yes. Still not solved issue. How did you get not show “stereo/mono” words in the bottom of channel names ?
I wonder how it happens - that updates have same issues as before or produce another ?
How can I be a beta tester ?
I don’t know about everyone else but when I size the mixer window at a normal speed as you would the channels rapidly disappear and part of a disappeared channel can be seen. If I size the window very slowly then the channel stays visible until it disappears off screen. Hope this makes sense. It feels like similar graphic nonsense that’s been reported but slightly different.
At the moment I’m…
R7-Seems to be working fine
Next update- seems to be working fine
Next update- Broken
Anyone seeing a pattern here. Looking forward to the next update but not the one after.
Funny you should mention. I did seem to get the mixer truncation issue “fixed” in 7.0.2 but don’t remember how. I think I just fiddled with the panel visibility settings and it unglitched. I am unable to do the same in 7.0.3 so far.
With perpetual beta’s, everyone is a beta tester.
Ok, I’m beta tester now. Self employed beta tester I will testing my software. My Cubase 7.03 64 bit.
I’v try to solve problem with hiding Stereo out, but no luck.
Anyone have +6dB output via Control Room while exporting audio in real time ? Playback is ok, exported file is ok. But while exporting there is huge distortion on RME output (show in Digicheck as well).
I’m not sure I need every channel says name AND “stero” or “mono”. Can I turn it off ? There would be small dot-double dot or something like beside number of channel for sign its stereo or mono track.
I atached screen of hiding stereo out.
Going to beta testing my software now. I’m beta tester, because i feel Steinberg needs beta testers BEFORE release next update…
I have the same problem with mixer width as other users mentioned in this thread. Every time I open mixer its suddenly changing it’s width, no matter which zoom I set up before.
My problem!
I much exporting audio in real time …
Now I in grief …
How to leave again on 7,02? without interrupting worker process
My apologies if this was already mentioned:
I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, but the 7.0.3 update (on Mac at least) has messed up the F3 key command to open the MixConsole. Previously, F3 simply opened the MixConsole window and that was it. Now I hit F3 and it gets rid of the Transport Bar, then I hit it again then the MixConsole window appears. I thought I had a conflicting key command at first, but after switching the MixConsole key command to a different one, the problem still occurs.
Can anyone else confirm this?
fn+F3 works fine here. But the 3 minute spikes are still present both with Apogee One and built-in driver (MBP 10.8.3)! Performance?
I still have no little knobs on my eq/channel strip and wherever else those little knobs used to be.
I lost them when I updated to 7.0.2.
I have heard of some people re-installing cubase to get the knobs back.
Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with this?
Do you have to reinstall all of your plug ins?
win7 64bit
intel quad i7
asus mobo
uad apollo sound card
interesting so many are having trouble. on my end here(using 1280x1024 screen to be clear) the updated mixer is wonderfully better to look at than 7.02, and scales very nicely. The disappearing meter seems fixed too. I haven’t got into real nitty gritty but i find it quite odd that people are having such polar opposite experiences.
So far, looking nice on my end at least steiny
Hi all!
Well, I may sound silly, but, for all that you have problems with the visibility of the last channel, try to open the viewer vumeters mixconsole and turn to close it (if you need it, of course ).
I’ve had the same problem and it seems that this resolves . That if, every time I have to restart cubase the same procedure …
Another issue , the sync of LFOs synths (Prologue, Spector and Mystic) do not work properly, are out of sync. And the first LFO prologue does not even work …
I found some more problems … but go slowly and breathe leaving because I fear that Steinberg has many tasks to be done. with so much stress, it is easier to damage more things than they can fix.
Steinberg Relax!