+1 …on most mixer/display related parts, except hovering over the opened, empty strip randomly makes the gridlines disappear/reappear.
The biggest PITA for me is still the real time spiking even with an empty (no vsts) project with some 8 i/os activated and one track monitored. There’s a thread for this at [ISSUES] Steinberg Forums …it’s MAYBE solved? Will check later today myself.
I think the mixer looks a lot better but I noticed a huge difference in performance using the sequencer window. Now when trying to copy and paste events, the window and curser are SUPER LAGGY.
Also, out of frustration , I want to mention a problem that has been bothering me for the last 3 version of Cubase 7. I was too lazy to report it before. Most of my latest projects never have audio when I first start Cubase and load them from my list of recent projects. My card settings and output settings are all correct and there’s audio activity showing in the mixer; but no sound from my monitors! My workaround now is to then load a specific project, play for a few seconds to verify audio is working, and then I activate or reload the project from before. I press play and the audio works fine now! This is really weird behavior coming from Cubase. With every update, I hope it gets fixed but it doesn’t…
Please have a look as soon as possible on the “Track width” problem in the mix console that we are facing to.
I’m very disappointed with the 7.0.3 patch, of course it has corrected some issues but add new ones specially in the mixconsole, we all were waiting to this pacth and unfortunately the “track width” behaviour" have not been well corrected.
I tried starting a new project but it didn’t help.
The stereo/mono only shows up after you insert your first mono track.
I managed to fix my problem by deleting the preferences folder (c:\Users\tanant\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 7_64). It wasn’t something I wanted to do so I:
made a backup first,
deleted all preferences,
checked if the problem was resolved,
then copied my backup files back.
The problem has disappeared - even with my original preferences back in place
I just don’t get it.
In the mix console when I hover over an insert or something and the little power icon comes up,I click it and I expect it to turn off the insert…giving me back some ASIO performance when i need it.
Except it just bypasses the effect.
Why…why, why…
On the plus side the track list window on the main view no longer re sizes after coming out of a full screen mix console or anything else.
hey man how did you get the background of the faders to go that color? looks great… i cant get them to change from the silver/blue no matter how many color preferences i change!!
After trashing prefs, I still have the problem where when I close and reopen the mixer on my second display, the inserts racks desappear and I need to check it again in the racks menu.
Are you starting a new project or opening an old one?
An update for those interested:
I opened an old project and my problem returned (the last channel was partly hidden in the mixconsole). It seems some of the console settings are stored in the .cpr file and the will overwrite whatever is in the preferences folder (just a guess). Here is how I fixed it for my old project:
Make a backup of "c:\Users\tanant\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 7_64"
Delete the folder and make sure no other preference folders are located under “c:\Users\tanant\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg”, including folders you have renamed, because Cubase will find them and import them.
Start Cubase
Exit Cubase
Set the files “frame.xml” and “Window Layouts.xml” to read-only.
Start Cubase and load your old file. The mixconsole should be ok at this stage.
Save your project (perhaps with a new name if you’re paranoid)
Exit Cubase and copy your old preferences back to "c:\Users\tanant\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 7_64"
Delete “frame.xml” and “Window Layouts.xml” just to be sure.
Open Cubase and open your old file. It should now display the last channel correctly.
A big thank you to Helge and Steinberg. I am an extremely happy customer here, the latest updates are quick and to the point fixing problems that users are reporting efficiently.
It’s been a while since I’ve witnessed such stellar support from a software company. Steinberg is taking the right route here.
The new look of the mixer is a big improvement. And thank you for the separators between the left and right docked channels. That was on my wishlist
Nice update, I will now switch from 6.5.
However, I still think the channel strip/EQ controls are a bit messy and distracting. They need to be more solid design-wise.
And please lose the grey boxes that appear when you mouse over things. They serve no purpose! I don’t need to be told where my mouse is! At the very least allow us to disable them.
I’m not on a Macbook pro, but a desktop Mac instead with a regular keyboard. In other words, I’m not using the “function” key with F3. Just plain-old F3 is making my transport bar disappear.
looking at this … it seems you may have added the last panel afterwards-- try closing it and then use the inspector thingy to add the meter section as part of the mix console … not as you have done here (the window is on top )