Cubase 7.0.3 / Cubase Artist 7.0.3 Update available

Apart from the issues with variaudio tuning glitches, I am very happy with 7.0.3. Great job by everyone at Steinberg and the promptness of this update is hugely appreciated. :slight_smile: I am still using 6.0.7 for vocal editing and all variaudio related tasks but have otherwise switched over to C7 for everything else. Very much looking forward to 7.0.4.

Oh, and +1 to the stereo/mono display thing. It is indeed very distracting, the depiction using circles as suggested by many would be the ideal way to do this IMO.

Updated to 7.0.3 and noticed the ‘Mixer’ fader channels change size erratically every time you open and close the mixer window. Anyone else having these issues…? :confused:

No, I’m not.

Read a bit in the forum …
A lot of threads concerning the broken mixer.
I’d say about 80% have these issues.

Hmmm looks like I will keep the 7.0 upgrade in the box until the next update!

Great, some annoying things have been fixed.
still - small numbers on project top ruler are to dark (hard to see them)
cubase 7 records fine, but mixing bigger projects is pain in the a…
more plugins-more likely it crashes
I have many Microsoft Visual C++… crashes (runtime errors, when using a little more plugins (especially reverence)
graphics glitches and cascaded warnings.
every crash means restart (because some s…t is still in memory, and my asio drivers are locked) so it is no good with client in the studio.
50% CPU free
30% RAM free
I could do twice more on C6 +windows XP
or please allow installing cubase 7 on XP :smiley:

I previously tried to speak nicely on the design of the mixer, explaining the principles and universal evidence, hoping to be heard. Faced with silence, I’ll put it otherwise and say that I think more directly. This is after having front my face the mixer for two full days.

The designer of Steinberg are really stubborn on their idea to horrible mixer (except maybe the strip), unrelated to the style of Cubase. No logic says that the a Daw mixer does not resemble the Daw. But the overall logic is not in the minds of the designers of the mixer. I have a hypothesis : those who draws the mixer are in a sealed Office, in a distant country, and have never seen Cubase ! If they were architects, we would have extensions of respectable buildings with plastic materials. :frowning:

Since I solved my CPU spiking/stuttering problem with Cubase x64, and then jumping straight from Cubase 7 to C7.03 everything has been good, until I discovered the real time bounce problem.

Try it for yourself, whether you generaly use real time bounce or not. Just cancel the bounce when/if you hear it.

Of course you have to have Control Room activated, then:

File/Export/Audio Mixdown. Check real time export. Volume increases dramatically while you monitor your bounce.

The resultant bounced file is fine however. Just the monitor while bounce is considerably louder than playback.

Try it.

Other than that I’m loving everything about Cubase 7.03 x64.

I noticed this realtime export level problem yesterday, i noticed it was clipping my hardware… a quick look at Digicheck confirmed this… it sounded like audio was being routed out of the CR and main outs simultaneously…
i’ve not had a chance to go back and check this but will do later if i get a chance and post again…

Well …
the bad news is :
The rest of the Daw will also get the new mixer look !

We’re in the middle of a big overhaul …
on the way to a ‘wonderful’ touchscreen-ready toy.

and you mean you can’t ? ive just made a platinum album on my nanopad ,created and mastered so I sold the studio and bought myself a donkey and have started travelling !!!

Yes please. I think we still don’t have global load/save MixConsole layout configurations. They’re project-scoped only and it’s a real hassle. MixConsole layout is not saved with Workspaces either.

Seriously, how hard is it to add 2 commands to the [*] asterik menu next to the [1][2][3][4] Channel & Rack Configurations buttons “Export MixConsole Layout…” and “Import MixConsole Layout…”? I’ve been asking since 7.0.0.

UPDATE: Discovered you can fix this by going to Set up Window Layout and toggling the Meter Bridge visibility. This and only this resets the channel layout so it doesn’t fall off the right-hand side. Toggling any of the other panes had no effect on resetting this.

+1 for abolishing the mono/stereo display on channel mixer. It’s a busy mess now and was totally fine as it was!

I’ve seen quite a few complaints about this “mono/stereo display on channel mixer”, but it has never happened here :confused: ?


Ahh…ok, thanks :slight_smile: .


• The size of the rack view no longer increases each time MixConsole is closed and reopened.

im not sure if its the same issue but MC rack Height(insert, send etc Height) still gets to minimum Height with 7.03 when toggling with F3 for me. :exclamation:

Will be glad when the ASIO performance is improved…so I can use Cubase 7 dependably for live setups. As of now I am getting better ASIO performance with VSTi’s from Reaper and Ableton Live … I’m on Asus G74 laptop with win 7 i-7 16gb ram. I thought I had the ASIO peaks solved…but apparently not. I know you can fix this Steinberg. There is so much potential with C-7 ! :smiley:


Indeed, dear friends, this universal tendency software toy is good for sales, but stupid in itself. Sibelius made this mistake with version 7. It looks like Garage Band … at least if the pro versions remained sober …