Cubase 7.5 and Windows 8.1

Hi there,

We’re running Cubase 7.5 on a regular i5, 8GB RAM and 7200 rpm hd. Performance score about 1200p. Cubase has a average load around 5-10%
Now we have buy a new machin with i7, 16GB RAM and SSD disc, score around 2500p in performance test.

Cubase 7.5 has a strange behaviour here and use about 30% in average load. When I check the process % it around 10% on both machines with some peaks.

What is strange here is that we are using a machine with more than double better performance and Cubase run worse on that? May be it has something with compatibilty in Windows 8.1?

If I run Cubase 8 I can see better performance here , but even here I can see the average load peak more than in the older machine.

I have also an Sony Vaio Laptop i7 , 8GB RAM and 7200rpm disc. In this machine with Cubase 7.5 the average load i small, may be 5%

Even if I frooze all VST instruments the average load is the same? If I do the same in i5 machine the average load going down really low.

Any ideas what can be wrong here or suggestions what we can do to increase performance?

/Regards, Micke