Cubase 9, Midi Editor, not much room

In Cubase 9, the key editor can open in the lower zone, the reason why I bought the upgrade. However, when one does that, there are than 2 rulers, 2 info lines, and 2 toolbars(once at the top of the window, once through the middle of the screen at the top of the key editor). When the key editor is open in the lower zone, Is there a way to show the ruler, info line, and toolbar, at the top of the screen, so just once?
Also, is it possible to open a folder track directly in the key editor in the lower zone?

Hi and welcome,

No, you cannot show only one toolbar.

You cannot open the Folder track directly in the Lower Zone. But I would consider this as a bug, actually.

You can hide the Lower Zone “Status” and “Info” lines by clicking a small down arrow to the right of the toolbar, but you can’t hide the toolbar itself or the ruler.

I agree, that’s why I thought of a solution right when it came out. Support it if you think it would help you.

Side by side docking of Project & Lower Zone: Side by side docking of Project & Lower Zone (now Side Zone) - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

In addition to that, I think the UI could have less padding so more data could fit on the screen. Digital Performer is a good example here.

Thank you all for your replies!
Yes, you can hide the info line, but than the pity is, is that the info line at the top of the window doesn’t show the information which the info line of the key editor normally shows… So if you than select notes in the key editor, you cannot see and change the velocity value like you normally can in the info line.
Anyhow, thank you for your replies, hopefully they will consider improving it.