Cubase - Ableton

Is there anything Ableton can do that Cubase cant?

Do you need Ableton, if you have Cubase?

They’re very different DAWs and each can do things that the other can’t. I’ve been learning Ableton for the hell of it and am finding that while it has some features that without a doubt make working on it faster and more efficient than Cubase in some specific ways, it pales in comparison to the audio and MIDI editing and composing features that Cubase has. Ableton interface is less tiring on the eyes, too, for me (Ableton is clean, modern, and clear with everything).Clip-based writing is not for me, either; you can do linear-style writing in Ableton as well but that’s where it pales in comparison to what Cubase can do. I find there’s no need for Ableton now that I’ve been learning it – the features that I personally use in Cubase are just far more advanced, with a few exceptions.

Two different DAWs, indeed.

I played around with the Lite version, and found, like you, that I’m not suited to that style of working/composing.

I was wondering if, because I didn’t spend much time with it, I might have missed something important. I guess, I didn’t. :smiley:


Ableton is far superior at audio warping / stretching / pitching and just manipulating samples with it’s Simpler / Sampler devices. Also the FX chain / Macro knobs are what spawned everyone else to copy it, it’s such a brilliant and fast way to sound design.

But if you’re scoring a film and need a 2000 track template with several slave computers running VE Pro, then Cubase is far and away the best option. Rewiring Ableton into Cubase is a great way to work, Cubase is not good a pitching audio up and down or detecting transients very well. Ableton shines there.

Thanx, for the responses!