Hey guys, does anyone know if it’s possible to have all these BAK and CSH files hide at some folder automatically, I’m getting crazy with all of these inside my main project folder all the time…
In addition, does anyone knows why Cubase sometimes duplicate my projects and put a 01 name?
You cannot hide them - it’s already been a feature request here to have the backup files in a dedicated folder.
The project files with numbers can appear if you a) save as new version or b) cubase asks you if you want to open a backup filet that is newer than the last saved project file and you click “yes”
Hey Fese, Thanks for your feedback! I’m glad to know the dedicated folder is already a request.
Actually I’m not saving as a new version and Cubase it’s not asking me…
Your screenshot just shows .BAK files with the number. That is because Cubase will make multiple automatic backup files over time – up to 10 (at least by default – I don’t know if there may be an option to change the maximum number of backups made) before it cycles back around to reuse one.
What fese was mentioning about the numbers was for project (.CPR) files. That is where the saving as a new version would result in a new project. So, for example, the first time you saved a new version of your project, you’d get “Zedd Correto-01.cpr”, then the next time would be “Zedd Correto-02.cpr”, and so on. And that can also happen if Cubase crashes and you have a .BAK file newer than your .CPR file, so it prompts you if you want to restore from the .BAK file and automatically creates a new version of your project (so you could conceivably revert to the earlier CPR file if needed).