Cubase Crashing Alot lately, Can Logs Help?

How can I decipher log files to determine if its a particular plugin crashing cubase or the latest cubase update ?

Beside the log files, and as a first motion, I would try to relaunch Cubase in safe mode, ticking the Deactivate all third party plug-ins optionā€¦

but then I wonā€™t be able to work on my projects that way.

Yep. But at least, it will give you a hint about whatā€™s going on. After this, youā€™ll still be able to launch Cubase in the ā€˜normalā€™ way again.

Beside this, I would suggest to post here the iventual .ips/.dmp files resulting from previous crashes. Someone will probably be able to look at it/them and give you a more precise view about which eventual plug-in could be the culpritā€¦

Ok Iā€™ll post tomorrow

Cubase 13-2024-07-02-151342.ips (1.5 MB)
Cubase 13-2024-07-05-174050.ips (1.3 MB)
Cubase 13-2024-07-07-225721.ips (241.4 KB)
Cubase 13-2024-07-08-115322.ips (340.0 KB)
Cubase 13-2024-07-08-121823.ips (1.1 MB)

Anyone ?

do logs show anything if its certain plugin that caused those crashes or cubase itself ?

Hi @ensoniq_ts10 .

  • Cubase 13-2024-07-02-151342.ips: an unspecific Crash-on-Quit
  • Cubase 13-2024-07-05-174050.ips: an unspecific Crash in Cubase, where the problem was caused in the past. Could be anything, including third party components.
  • Cubase 13-2024-07-07-225721.ips: Crash in Kontakt, after Drag&Drop. You may send the dump to NI.
  • Cubase 13-2024-07-08-115322.ips: likely not Cubase, some component using the term: ā€œFontCacheā€ā€¦?
  • Cubase 13-2024-07-08-121823.ips: likely not Cubase, some component using the term: ā€œFontCacheā€ā€¦?

Sorry thereā€™s nothing obvious we can learn from the dumps. A reproduction sequence for the first two issues would be of interest.

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Thank you so much!