I have been having a lot of trouble getting Cubase Elements 10.5 to recognize my mic input. It is run through an H4nPro as the interface, and I have the latest ASIO for that device selected through Cubase. The H4n has the latest drivers as well. Windows and other applications all recognize the mic and function as expected, but my DAW options do not (I was trying to use Reaper with a friend and had the same issue so I tried going back to Cubase since I had successfully used it before). I’m probably just missing something in my settings somewhere, but I don’t have the knowledge to find it and searching hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I attached a few pictures of my settings and inputs.
This is fine. But you don’t show your track input setting so it’s likely either that set wrong or your o/s mic privacy setting is not allowing Cubase to access it.
I checked and Windows is allowing Cubase to use the microphone input, so I don’t think that is the issue at this point. I attached the track setting here as well (I think this is what you are referring to).
If you turn on the record monitor button, do you see any meter movement from the mic signal?
Have you checked both inputs in case 1 and 2 are the other way round than you think?
The record monitor button doesn’t show anything in the mic sidebar when I’m using the Mono 1 or Mono 2 input, even when switching the mic to the other XLR port in the H4n.
I am noticing that I also don’t have any output coming through that I can hear when I put in some preloaded track from Cubase. Could these both be related to the ASIO just not working somehow?
VST system link is something else entirely…untick the active tickbox and leave it alone.
If input and output not working (and outputs set correctly) it does suggest a driver problem.
Try to deselect it as windows audio inputs in case it’s locking sample rate or something, maybe up the buffer though it should easily work at 128 with nothing else in the project.
Is there any metering on the audio track you load in??
I redownloaded the ASIO after wiping it and it works! Thanks for helping me work through the issue, I’m so glad it was just a software thing! Now I don’t know how to make the output my speakers instead of the H4n, but that seems much more manageable.
Windows asio only works with a single device. If you want to use zoom as input and the computer soundcard as output you would need a third party driver like asio4all that can aggregate different devices.