Cubase gets crazy with insane audio clipping!

I recently have an issue that Cubase frequently gets crazy with this amount of audio clipping out of blue. Tried change settings but still it happens periodically. what is going on? anyone having the same issue?

running on Mac M3max 96GB.


What kind of settings did you change, please?

Im having same issue on m4 mac mini 16gb can anyone help


What does it sound like? Is there any unexpected noise? Where does the high level come from?

What happens, once you Stop playback?

So basically my asio guard is always at 20-30% even at idle and i have a film project that i just started working on at just 30 files all of them audio except two instances of omnisphere and kontakt respectively the disc cache clips even when i move the cursor
M4 mac mini 16gb audient id14 is what i have

i think im missing something here because my cpu usage is at just 10% max but cubase says its overloading and it clips i stop playback it comes down to 20-30% but will go up again as i start playing

Buffer size, Asio guard and disabled all the cpu intensive plugins but that keeps happening. It sounds super loud noise and it keeps playing for a while then it goes away. i think something went wrong with CPU usage.
It did not happen on cubase 13.

That unexpected high level comes from every track that is why I doubt that happens due to wrong cpu usage measurement on Cubase 14.

it happens a lot now.
Is that a plugin issue? I am using the Sine Player by Orchestral Tools


How does it sound like?

Plain audio levels have nothing to do with that settings.

It’s an issue from the lack of knowledge. Adding audio signals (mixing them) adds volume, adding many signals leads to clipping.
That is what you experience!

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it is just from one super low signal viola vst. are you joking? who does not know about audio clipping I am talking about the cpu usage. I am currently running a big orchestra template which means I know what I am doing. lack of knowledge haha funny

that sounds like white noise just spikes like that. it is just from one track. I am using tons of Sine Player from Orchestra tools. also have already reported this issue to OT. not sure that issue coming from cubase or sine player.

before that happens there is slight playback glitch.

CPU usage and ASIO guard around 15%.

Is this track playing a VST instrument “live” or is this recorded audio?

If it is recorded audio then I would re-render the audio if possible, and/or check that you don’t have problems with your drives. You could even just do a “prepare archive” and then “backup project” to a different drive and try running it from there instead.

None of your screenshots show CPU usage. Only audio level meters. And the topic title is referring to audio clipping!
I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

Maybe a VST instrument plugin in demo mode?

No demo. I know some plugins like u-he consistently making noise when using demo and thank you for trying to help me but it is, as I said, more like software glitch than noob issue. but again, thank you

I supposed this is issue from Sine player or even one of sample libraries running in Sine player. I am currently redownloading all samples.