Cubase iC feature request to control Studio Sends

Since Cubase does a good job of doing monitor mixes, I thought it would be nice if the artist can just control their monitor mix from their iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad using Cubase iC. A great implementation would be for the Cubase host side to require enabling of Studio Sends on the appropriate channels - probably stems would make most sense instead of each mic-ed track. This way, the iOS device doesn’t get the entire track list on the tiny screen. You then set up user names for each of the four Studio Sends that is separate from the main Cubase iC password so that they can only access their monitor mix.

When the iOS device opens Cubase iC and log into the Cubase host with the Studio Sends account active, you select the username and perhaps type in a password. The artist is presented with the channels that had Studio Sends enabled. The mixer interface will be very simple, with a fader level for each of those channels, click level, and the master level. The tracks will be labeled, and the screen can be set horizontally or vertically.

For this, it might make sense to have the app have a never sleep switch so it doesn’t go to sleep and loose connection. Obviously, you’d want to have the power connected to the said iOS device.

I think this would make for a nice alternative to having a AVIOM/HearBack/Furman monitor mixer. All one have to do is put in a decent headphone amp with separate inputs and a long headphone extension cable.