Cubase iC Pro 1.2.7 for iOS Hotfix Update available

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Cubase iC Pro 1.2.7 for iOS, which addresses the problem that establishing a connection rendered the app unreliable for some users.

Download Cubase iC Pro on the App Store

Best wishes,

wonderful - finally I can use the app again!
Thxs Mike


Thank you SO much Lars - it doesn’t look like there is a ginormous Cubase IC Pro group, but for those of us who do use it, it really makes a difference. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to be doing drum takes with my phone as a remote - and not have to get up and ruin the momentum to restart a track.

So thanks for listening, and your amazing support. You are my Cubase Hero.

Johnny Bregar
Bainbridge Island, WA


Hi @johnnybregar

Thanks for your kind reply. Big thanks to our fantastic engineering… :slight_smile:



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Q: Is the SKI Remote 64bit - as listed in my Win 11 Programs - still version 1.1.0? Thanks

Hi @mr.roos

The SKI Remote extension has not been updated.

Best wishes,

Thanks for this, Lars. Everything works very well so I guess Apple has got their end covered.

Thank you again for not ignoring the iC Pro, the remote control function of Cubase is priceless!

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