What about the other settings I mentioned, please?
What about the other settings I mentioned, please?
Solved for me: I deleted my Cubase custom preferences file and started from the default settings and my midi keyboard was recognized. Must have been a corrupt setting after installing/testing a new version.
I have the same issue. Where do you find the custom preferences file? tx
I would say, check your USB device drivers if you are running windows 10. I had the same issues and just solved it yesterday. Here’s what I did
(1) Went to device manager, checked for any driver that’s flagged “unrecognized by windows”, there are other terms windows uses to show you specific issues with a driver…so be on the lookout for it.
(2) Right-click on that driver and click uninstall.
(3) Power off your computer and power it on again
Windows will reinstall that driver and you will be fine.
Unless you have issues with MIDI Filter, then you can go to Edit>Preferences>MIDI Filter> check to see the parameters filtered out. You only want “System Ex” ticked at the least. This will solve any Cubase-originating issues with your midi keyboard. Also ensure that in the Midi section, the “Midi Thru” box is ticked as well. If not ticked, your midi keyboard wont work.
Hope this helps
What worked for me was going to:
Edit> Preferences > Record (in preferences menu on the left below metering) > MIDI (below broadcast wave) and make sure that "Allows MIDI record enable thru is checked and “Replace Recording in Editors” is set to “All”.
What worked for me (Cubase 11 LE) was going into MIDI/Set up Editor Preferences, then selecting the MIDI/MIDI Filter branch in the tree and turning off the Channels.
It’s a very confusing screen - if the channel buttons are flat white they are on, if they are 3D blue they are off.
I think the logic here is that they are filters you turn on or off. I.e. clicking the check-box for Ch 3 will filter out that channel.
I had the same problem. Cubase suddenly had stopped responding to incoming midi. I use a Yamaha KX61 via usb.
I managed to get the receiving working again but then it did not record or “accept” the played keys.
I got it working again after I altered the value in the dropdown here:
Hi folks, i updates to cubase 13. i have the same issue, seeing MIDI activity but even with monitor enabled, filters off, listening to any MIDI and all the above techniques i can’t get a MIDI or instrument channel to monitor or record MIDI
I’m using Nuendo 13 and everything works perfectly in monitoring mode with VSTi synths being played by external keyboard… Select record though and all midi and vsti channels stop responding and no recording of VSTi or Midi works. Have tried every setting I can think of in routing and preferences but no luck yet.
I’m having the same issue with Cubase Elements 13. Trying to record through a Native Instruments SK88 Mk2 with midi output to Komplete Kontrol DAW. Nada. I even tried a remote session with support this morning and even the Steinberg tech was stumped.
You should use the KOMPLETE KONTROL - 1 port of the MK2 . The DAW port is for handling NI’s DAW implementation.
Tried that too. Still nothing records on the selected track.
I’ve tried many things, delete folder, reinstall drivers, delete drivers, etc, etc
Finally unticking - Use Device “WinRT MIDI” in Studio Setup - worked for me. (At least for now!)
Such a Palm face moment for me, but thanks for solving my problem.