Hello, I have valid license for Cubase LE 5 on old computer and want to transfer to b]new one. Where can I download latest version?
Hi and welcome to the forum,
Use the Steinberg Download Assistant, please.
The oldest Cubase version I see in the SDA is Cubase 9.5.
Unfortunately, you can only find the manuals for Cubase (LE) 5 on the Steinberg download page and no more installation files.
Cubase | Steinberg
Cubase LE 5 Updates and Downloads | Steinberg
I was reading the latest version, so I was thinking you are asking for Cubase LE 13. Sorry.
I sent you a Private Message with the link.
Hello Martin,
I’m in the same situation as PAT. i lost the Cubase LE 5 installation CD.ROM i got with my Tascam US200 and can’t find a download link for it on the Download Assistant.
Hi @MetalMuff ,
I sent you a Private Message.
Is there any possible way to get a download link to Cubase LE 5?
I lost the CD i got with my Tascam 144MKII. I googled and there was nothing to find except the Update to 5.5. I’d like to run LE on my Laptop as it has very limited resources.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
If you are using current operating system, get in touch with your local support and ask for the update code to Cubase LE 13, which is for free for you.
Then you can use Steinberg Download Assistant to download the installer.
I lost the CD i got with my Lexicon Alpha. And can’t find a download link for it on the Download Assistant.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
I sent you a Private Message.
I would strongly recommend you to get in contact with your local Steinberg support and get Cubase LE 13 update for free.
I also had a cubase LE5 on a CD with Lexicon alpha, but my new computer doesnt have CD-rom. I have some old projects that i would like to retreive, could i get the download link too?
Hi and welcome to the forum,
I sent you a Private Message.
As eLicenser server is going to be closed in May 2025, I would strongly recommend you to update to the latest Cubase LE 14. The update is for free, and you can ask for it here.
Thanks Martin for the advice. In fact I’ve downloaded Cubase AI 14 but when running, it is the LE version instead of AI version. I think it is limited by the product activation code. Since AI version has more features and capabilities, I think Steinberg should offer old version AI user to update to AI version instead of LE. I’ll try to raise it in the forum.
F Chang
It deends only on the license. If you have Cubase AI license, it will start Cubase AI. If you have Cubase LE license, it will start Cubase LE.
The difference between AI and LE are minimal. You can find the comparison chart here.
Thx Martin. In my product download section, I’ve the cubase AI 11 and is using it. It seems that Steinberg does not offer for AI 11 and older versions of cubase to transfer to the new Steinberg Licensing.
As I mentioned:
…or you can ask your local Steinberg support.